My large public high school had them but I was not given one which is just fine with me. However, my two best friends did- one was “Most Conservative “, the other “Best Legs”. Best legs friend has run 30 marathons and earned a law degree. Wish the class knew that now. My kids’ high schools did not do them- thankfully!
My son got “easiest to talk to” and had a picture of him laughing with a group surrounding him. It truly fit him.
My class had 40 graduates lol. I was selected as both most talented and wittiest. I was a gymnast which was fairly unique in my small town, so that explains the talented part. The wittiest honor was due, I think, because I would come to school on Monday and re-enact Gilda Radner’s Rosanna Rosannadanna skits! “Hey, Bo! Why don’t you make a braid from those nose hairs and put a bead on it!” (Or something like that…).
No such thing at any of my high schools (plural - as a friend once put it “he was kicked out of some of the best high schools in Jerusalem”). Religious, boys-only, and the last was mostly low income. I’m the only one who has a graduate degree, and only of maybe three who went to college (to be fair, you didn’t need a college degree for almost any job in Israel back then, so why waste time?).
Probably “most likely to get away with murder” or something. Did all sorts of mischief, and never really suffered any serious consequences. Even getting kicked out of high school meant nothing, since all anybody cared about was my exam results. The advantages of having matriculation exams. College admissions are like Europe, and you’re attending college after military service, so ECs, disciplinary actions, etc are all irrelevant. Even GPA is irrelevant.
“Mr Mizrahi here served in the paratroopers, has the rank of First Sergeant in Reserves, served as a Platoon Sergeant and Squad Leader, served on front line duty for a year, and also trained as a communications specialist. However, he didn’t have any leadership roles in high school, so he probably lacks in leadership skills, and his high school extracurriculars are weak, so we don’t think that he shows any indication of resilience or determination.”
If I had grown up here, and did half of what I did in high school, my high school record would looked like a rap sheet. Well, that’s if they had been able to prove I did those things…
I love the idea of putting down what you think you would have gotten if your school had had something like it - or even if it did, but you didn’t get a title.
What were we all like, “back in the day?” Only applies to those who want to share, of course!
I was more of a saint. My parents worked in the school and I’d have been in a lot of trouble had I stepped out of line. My only claim to fame is a couple of friends and I skipped out to Burger King for lunch once - and never got caught. We might have been “too good” to be even under suspicion TBH.
Me, too. I should have been “Most Likely to End Up in a Convent.”
I hate these. Popular people vote for each other or make fun of people …. I don’t remember my school having any.
I might have been voted least likely to care what other people think. Even though I did.