Senior Year AP Class Selections Help

<p>Hello everyone. I am a Junior right now with ~3.4 GPA. Currently, I have 2 AP classes:</p>

<p>AP Latin Literature-86%
AP US History-92%</p>

<p>These are the first AP classes that I have taken, and they are not really that hard at all. I have not taken any AP tests yet either. I want to pursue a career as an MD. For my senior year I am contemplating the following courses to increase my GPA and rigor of my schedule:</p>

<p>AP Calculus BC
AP Latin Vergil
AP Biology
AP Chemistry (I finished the basic Chem course Sophomore year but averaged a B in it, would this be a mistake taking AP Chem? Also, I am in Physics this year and I will not have been exposed to any Chemistry for a year when I start the class)
AP Psychology
-Have not decided on my English class yet (4 years required for graduation) but it most likely will be regular level.</p>

<p>Does this course load look alright? Am I overloading myself with AP's?</p>

<p>It really depends on your school. But I would not even consider AP chem if you only got a B in normal chem. AP chem is much more difficult. Also, it’s better to have all A’s in your AP’s rather than a mix of A’s and B’s. If 2 AP’s are already challenging you this much, I would suggest you refrain from taking more. You need to remember that while an AP class is not a challenge at all, juggling multiple AP’s increases your workload significantly. Even with that, you haven’t even considered the relative difficulty of the AP’s themselves. For example, as a sophomore, I took AP Biology, AP Env. Sci., AP Calculus AB, and AP European History. That was 4, true, but the 6 I’m taking this year are much more difficult. The workload in each class increased, leaving me more work than I thought I would be having.</p>

<p>Just be careful.</p>

<p>I think a jump from 2 to 5 will be pretty rough, but you’re doing well in your APs you have now (I’m taking Vergil & Calc BC next year too ^_^!) so I wouldn’t say its impossible, but probably going to be challenging. At my school at least, Bio & Chem are killers, so I would recommend straying away from AP Chem if you got a B in a standard Chem class. Maybe replace it with another AP though?</p>