<p>Lol, so how many other seniors are totally slackin' on attendance?</p>
<p>I missed one day every other year of high school: freshman year for a competition for an EC, sophomore year for a funeral, junior year 'cause I was throwing up.</p>
<p>So far this year I've missed 3.5. 2.5 first quarter and one (today) in the first half of second quarter. And I'm planning on missing one the Tuesday after next (although for a valid, EC-related reason.) If I miss 2.5 per quarter on average, it'll come out to 10 days, which is just lulz when compared to my one day per year of my other years. XD</p>
<p>You can’t miss more than 9 days a semester or you are at risk for credit denial. Of course it can be waved off, but at many times its a b… to deal with. So I’m trying not to miss too many. I hate going to school, but I have to.</p>
<p>We’re only allowed to miss nine a YEAR to be at risk for credit denial, lol. But teachers never deny people credit… unless they like NEVER come to class… I have friends who miss like 30 days a year.</p>
<p>hmm, poseur-this is what you skipped school to do?
and to think that you couldn’t celebrate a certain math teacher’s birthday!</p>
<p>and I’m scared to count how many days of school i missed in the past, last year especially. I’m also going to have a high count this year.
They’re all legal, mostly EC stuff-maybe 1 sick day a year?
but yeah my teachers laugh when I tell them I’m not going to be there because it happens so often.</p>
<p>I always miss a lot of school; I’m actually doing better this year in terms of attendance, 7 days so far as opposed to 10 by this time last year. Explain that one to me?</p>
<p>I’ve missed ~4 I think so far this year, most I for sickness and my school’s policy (don’t come back for 24 hours after your last symptom disappears) and once because we had a mass that day and it was a half day so I skipped, lol.</p>
<p>I’ve missed maybe 10-15 days both freshman and junior years, but sophomore year I missed like 25, most of them from the first 3 weeks when my flight was cancelled and I had to stay in Russia for that time, lol.</p>
<p>Uh, I’m not a senior, but I started slacking in sophomore year. I don’t usually skip whole days, but both this year and last year I’ve hated my first 3 bells, so I skip them <em>all</em> the time.</p>
<p>I hate missing school; even if I’m dead tired I can’t make myself stay home. Especially this year, because if I miss even a day of AP Calc I’ll be at a disadvantage, because the teacher does such a good job of explaining and notes can’t really make up for it.</p>
<p>On the other hand, I have a horrible, horrible problem with tardiness. Last year I was tardy to school more than… 40 times? Yeah, not good. It’s just so hard for me to get up in the morning sometimes.</p>
<p>There’s a “new” policy (the admin. tells us it’s been there the whole time, but if so it was never really enforced in years past - new principal + new vice principal = different times I guess) that if you have more than 12 absences or tardies you get in big trouble. And this year, seniors HAVE to take finals if they have more than that, even for excused absences and tardies. So I think I might have to take finals this year, which kind of sucks (seniors don’t have to take finals if they have a B+ average or higher in the class for the year) but at least I won’t be totally stressing out about them this year.</p>
<p>So I am totally a freak and I’ve had perfect attendance for the past three years and I’m going for four. But there is a girl in my grade (12) who missed so many days of school this year that I forgot she was in my guidance class.</p>
<p>I think I’ve missed like 5 or 6 days. It’s starting to take its toll on my Physics grade though, so I have to stop missing days. I’m expecting to miss about 15 by the end of the year haha, as in like everyday in may. I have a lot of lates though, many many many yellow slips. I only have 4 classes though, so going to school isn’t that bad. My dual enrollment college classes I only missed once.</p>