Senior Year, first semester C's-do I need to send a letter?

<p>I got C’s in AP Chemistry and AP Physics B (both 79.6%'s, I got screwed over in Chem, would’ve had a B- but there was a rounding difference). Both classes were much harder than I thought. </p>

<p>I heard somewhere that if you get a C (or possibly two C’s) you have to write a letter of justification to the UC’s you applied to (for me, SD, LA, Irvine, Davis). </p>

<p>Is this true? If yes, when should I send these letters and where do I send them?</p>

<p>(crosspost from UCSD forum, I didn’t know there was a general forum)</p>

<p>if you get a grade less than C, that’s a problem. I think you are good to go.</p>

<p>One of my teachers told me there was this new ‘rule’ at UCSD that you have to maintain B’s or A’s or they would deny admission for incoming freshman. Can anyone disprove/approve this?</p>

<p>Taken from the UCI FAQ: “Freshmen are responsible for reporting all D or F grades earned in the seventh semester, in writing, as soon as possible. You may use the Message Center in MyAdmissionsApplication@UCI as well. In some cases we may be able to advise you of options that will enable you to remain UC-eligible.”</p>

<p>I think I read somewhere that you must maintain a 3.0 to stay UC-eligible, but I can’t remember where that was so I can’t confirm it.</p>

<p>You need to report to the UC if your a-g GPA dips below 3.0 or if you get any D or F grades.</p>

I know the GPA is weighted, but is it capped out at any max number of weighted semesters or anything like UC GPA is?</p>

<p>@JeSuis, Berkeley and UCLA require 3.0 unweighted. The rest of the UCs usually require 3.0 weighted. The weighted counts all UC-approved honors or AP/IB courses (including community college courses).</p>