This year, my teachers have decided that they felt that too many people had been getting As in both classes, and they needed to drastically increase the difficulty of their classes. As a result, many people had been failing and dropping out of these classes, but I managed to stay on until the 2nd quarter, when I was informed that I could no longer drop the classes. From that point on, both teachers decided it needed to be more difficult - they would never go over notes, never do practice, and (despite noticing that only ~50% were even passing) would go on wild tangents and increase the amount of homework we got to about ~6 hours a night for those two classes alone. It resulted in my GPA dropping drastically from it’s original 3.5.
TL;DR: I got a D (AP Physics) and C (AP Chemistry) overall, mixed in with 4 As and 2 Bs. I was accepted to Syracuse University with a $20,000 scholarship for Biology.
Should I be worried about my decision being rescinded, for both the scholarship and the initial college decision?
You certainly may be asked to explain grades that are significantly below your normal average, but I would be surprised if your admission was rescinded. As for the scholarship, check the conditions/requirements. Many schools only consider your GPA through junior year in determining scholarship eligibility. In any event, I would suggest not explaining those grades by blaming the teachers or saying that the teachers felt the need to drastically increase the difficulty of the class, since AP classes are supposed to be difficult. It may be that they were giving too many As relative to the number of 5s students were scoring on the AP exams. Were these semester grades or quarter grades? I’m assuming you don’t have final grades yet. Syracuse probably won’t even see quarter grades. Do you feel as though you’ve learned the material and will score well on the AP exams?
As for the amount of people getting a 5 on the tests in previous years, it’s typically 5-6 people out of 10 who take the test. Currently, there are only 3 people signed up to even take the test.
I’d really love to say that the teachers were amazing (considering I know both personally), but their other classes currently run the exact same way, with the same score distribution (despite it being normal Physics/Chemistry, not AP).
My friend, who has never gotten below a 5 and is currently the only person with an A in the class, feels as if she’s heading for a 2-3, if that helps any.
Thanks for the response!
Well, if a large portion of the class is truly getting Ds and Fs (or dropped the class early on), I would enlist my guidance counselor to provide some statistics to Syracuse should they ask for an explanation.
That sounds like a good thing to do. Thanks 
Contact Syracuse and see what they say. A D is a red letter.