Senior year grades

<p>i’m getting a bit worried about how my senior grades will affect my college admissions. I have roughly a 4.0 UC Gpa i believe. but now that senior year started i feel that i’m either getting lazier or the workload is getting way too heavy. I’m currently taking 4 APs and 1 Honors 5-point class this year.
how would say getting maybe 2As 2Bs and 2Cs affect admission decision?</p>

<p>UCs do not consider senior year grades in the admissions decision. GPA is calculated only with 10th and 11th grade classes. Only your senior year curriculum is important in evaluation, so if you can handle all the AP classes, then you're set for that. However, you cannot allow your grades to slip under 3.0 (weighted for all UCs except Berkeley and LA, which require unweighted 3.0), or get any Ds/Fs, as this could lead to them rescinding any admissions.</p>

<p>wait… does this 3.0 gpa thing apply to all uc’s? even ucr? or just top tier uc’s?</p>

<p>3.0 GPA weighted would apply to all UCs except Cal and UCLA. Those 2 want unweighted 3.0s. If you get lower than a 3.0 overall GPA this senior year or get any Ds or Fs, you have to inform the UCs about it or they have grounds to rescind your admission</p>

<p>can anyone advise anything for my situation?
my current senior year grades are (for SECOND semester only, my first semester was fine):</p>

<p>Digital Imaging (some fine arts class): A-
AP Biology: D
AP English: B-
AP CalculusAB: C
Economics: B</p>

<p>I called today to an “Admissions Evaluator” at UCSC and she said she would put a note in my file stating that I called and let the school know, but she kept repeating that basically no letter that I write to the school right now will have any effect because my grade is not final yet. So I assumed that the school’s not going to do anything until the very last minute, and then possibly rescind me if my AP Biology grade does not improve?</p>

<p>I also had a question about this. Say you’re UC GPA isn’t that great, but your school weighted GPA is pretty good. That kind of puts me at borderline I guess. So would they ask for my senior year grades assuming I’m borderline for getting in? It would really help, considering my grades slipped a little b/c I moved in between semesters junior year (I was very upset)</p>

<p>And for the record, I’m not planning on letting my grades slip and my classes are half dual enrollment at a university and half AP classes at a math and science center (which only accepts by application)</p>

<p>Anyone? Bump.</p>