Senioritis and Rescinding Admissions

<p>So I was accepted through early decision to Tech this year and basically I slacked off since I got my letter. I got all A's and B's in my mid-year report. But I'm not sure how my final transcript will look. It will probably consist of A's and B's and one C or D depending on how that class goes in 4th quarter.</p>

<p>Basically will they rescind admission if you have one C/D in an IB/AP level class at the end of the year?
And how often does Tech rescind?</p>

<p>A VaTech spokesperson comes to my school once a year to talk about Tech and I attended the seminar for the past 3 years he came, and everytime he says the same story about how he rescinded 2 admissions last year because the senior slacked-off so bad. I think he just tells that story just to scare us.</p>

<p>I would be absolutely stunned if one C got you rescinded. Work to get that grade to a C.</p>

<p>Oh gosh. I’m on the same page as you pickachuuu. I hope they don’t rescind my application because of a lot of Cs</p>

<p>Virginia Tech is fairly lenient about second-semester grades. I was in a similar situation last year; I emailed the admissions office about this but I didn’t get a response, which worried me somewhat. I ended up getting a couple of C’s my second semester but VT didn’t care. Basically, one or two C’s are okay, as long as your grades don’t drop dramatically, i.e. all C’s or D’s.</p>

<p>So if my grades are just about the same or just barely drops, it’d be fine?</p>

<p>^ Definitely. One C (or D) will not kill you at VA Tech. My friend failed AP Stats her second semester, and still headed happily to Tech in the fall. </p>

<p>Make sure your senioritis doesn’t extend to freshman year of college though ;)</p>