
<p>Out of curiosity, if you're accepted somewhere ED, how far can you let your grades fall for the remainder of the year and have the school not care? I'm talking about getting accepted to a top school (Harvard, Princeton, Yale etc.)

<p>you can let it drop to a C, i think</p>

<p>I'm not sure. I think its no where less than a B-. I got accepted to Columbia ED although im not planning on going any lower than B+</p>

<p>Well they probably never got a C in their life if they were
accepted to the top schools...
so I think for your pride you shouldn't
let yourself get a C.
just get As and fine =)</p>

<p>saxfreq1128's friend gained acceptance to Yale, then was rejected for letting his grades drop to a C.</p>

<p>Besides, if you're good enough for an Ivy League, then you should be able to stay in the A-B range even at your laziest.</p>

<p>That would probably be...the worst thing ever.</p>

<p>Are we talking one C, or mostly/all Cs?</p>

<p>If you are accepted ED from HYP, then you are too prideful to let your grades slip that low. I'm tired of going to school now and am ready for college, but you don't see me giving up. Still going for those A's.</p>

<p>Good Luck and keep it up,</p>


<p>do they see any grades after the midyear report?</p>

<p>No, I don't think so, but don't worry about it. If you don't think you can handle second semester, you shouldn't be thinking about or going to an Ivy anyway.</p>



<p>Yes. After your acceptance, most schools will ask for a final transcript.</p>

<p>yep, they def wanna check to make sure that you didn't completely crap out. so let yourself slip to a b, but avoid c's like death.</p>

<p>i agree with ragdoll. stay at a b average and you are in the clear. the colleges know you are going to slack off a little. also, if it says "grades are contingent" then do the best you can while you are still awake second semester.</p>

<p>I think I read somewhere that one C and one B, or 3 or 4 Bs are still okay second semester.</p>