
<p>I'm a senior right now and I finished my last application on the 15th of this month. And basically I've been slacking off in school - but not THAT much. I've been taking classes under the worst teachers on campus... </p>

<p>I have one C in AP Statistics (our class average is a D- I will be dropping second semester), a B+ in AP Engish Lit/Composition,
and a B in AP Microeconomics.</p>

<p>This is a totally negative trend for me, and I was wondering if this will keep me going to a good college... I'm seriously spazzing out. </p>

<p>I've applied to
USC,Pepperdine,JHU,Northwestern U,Boston U,Chapman U,UC(LA,Berkeley,Davis,Irvine,SD), Syracuse U, and Missouri-Columbia. (as a Broadcast Journalism major)</p>

<p>help me out anyone?</p>

<p>i’m not the most experienced here,
but from my experience, the Bs are fine, just don’t let them drop to Cs. try to get that Stats grade up to a B and you should be fine.</p>

<p>yeah Bs are still fine, but those Cs might make the adcoms frown a bit… Just try to keep up average grades</p>

<p>For the schools that you are applying too, a C is certainly not acceptable, but the B and B+ are fine. Just maintain being “somewhat modivated” and get like A’s and B’s only =)</p>

<p>USC,Pepperdine,JHU,Northwestern U,Boston U,Chapman U,UC(LA,Berkeley,Davis,Irvine,SD), Syracuse U, and Missouri-Columbia. (as a Broadcast Journalism major</p>

<p>I am in just about the same situation. I was accepted early to my dream school, so that combined with senioritis gave me a C+ this quarter in AP Stats.</p>

<p>Luckily, I got a B+ first quarter, so it’ll average out to a B, but it’s still scary!</p>

<p>You are all wrong, it’s fine to get a few Cs second semester of your senior year, assuming you’ve already applied, sent in your midterm grades, etc. No college will see them until after you’ve been accepted and enrolled, so it takes a hell of a lot to get them to rescind an admission (i.e. a D/F or straight Cs). Of course, it looks better to drop from Bs/As to Cs than to drop from straight As to Cs.</p>



<p>You are definitely wrong as Guidance Counselors must send out a final copy of the transcript to the college. </p>

<p>This is usually done on the last day of school because most are off for the summer. Your college admission is contigent upon your successfully completing high school. Many schools will not be clear to register until the college has proof that the student did indeed graduate (also don’t forget to have your immunization records sent). </p>

<p>While many schools will not rescind your admission, a severe case of senioritis can have you start your college career on academic probation. This is far worse because it stays on your transcript/part of your student record and can be especially damaging if there is grad/professional school in your future. You must answer yes, that you have been on academic probation. </p>

<p>If you have received merit aid, you may end up losing your aid because you no longer meet the terms of the scholarship.</p>

<p>i got senioritis bad
i got my report card today and it was remarkably awesome- only one B in ap english
which makes all those years of trying seem so pointless</p>

<p>i got it bad too. went to see the doctor. there’s no cure</p>