
<p>Okay, so how bad has it gotten for you guys? On a scale of 1 - 10 (ten being 100% on-the-ball and 1 being brain-dead) I'd say I'm at about a 4 or 5, which is frightening because 2nd semester JUST STARTED!!! Is anyone else in the same boat? Is it even worth me trying to fight senioritis, or should I just succumb to it? I've been accepted to two schools (Gtown and UChic), which makes me lean towards the latter, but I haven't heard from my top-choices yet, which pushes me back towards the former. UGH. </p>

<p>I hereby open this post to senioritis-related musings and laments. Bon appetit.</p>

<p>Umm. I have to research “journalism ethics” for yearbook and I have a final outline due for AP lit tomorrow. Grades have been submitted for 1st semester, so… I’ll wait a few more hours to start them ;>!</p>


<p>well since my transcript was sent off to my school that i am going to attend (my #1) and there is nothing to worry about… i am a 4, just maintain the graes i have now and i am good. if something isnt done it doesnt get done no big deal.</p>

<p>it is horrible for me. i never realized how freaking lazy i am. i dont do ANY work. i just have no drive/motivation in me to do anything school related. like i really dont care anymore.</p>

<p>im probs a 2 or 3. im not a senior though… ive stopped doing most hw and ive never studied for tests. im rarely home on weekends and i dont really sleep. i hope i get motivated sometime soon…</p>

<p>I should be writing the first few paragraphs of my giant Lit paper, considering those paragraphs are due tomorrow. Oh well.</p>

<p>Probably a 5…</p>

<p>Mmmmm we had a snow day today and it was glooooorious. An entire day of procrastination and time-wasteage. I slept and baked and watched tv ALL DAY. Hours spent on work: 0.00</p>

<p>I think I’m down to a 4.</p>

<p>I’m a 5/6. It’ll be much worse fourth quarter.</p>

<li>but it feels so much worse. Tonight, I can’t even begin to study. ugh.</li>

<p>first off, your scale is wrong, 10 should be full senioritis and 1 should be no senioritis</p>


<p>1 being full-out senioritis?! i’m maybe a 3. i havent done ANY hw in a week.
Extended essay is due next wednesday and i don’t have a topic.
I hope I find motivation before college. =/</p>

<p>I’m a 3. Man I can’t believe how lazy I am right now.</p>

<p>i am about a 4.5. i’m not doing too good in two of my AP classes because i usually sleep in them. i was doing pretty awesome first semester, but second semester is kicking my ass now</p>

<p>^ same here man. Got straight A’s last semester but right now I’m getting a C- in English and I think I just bombed an in class essay today. Other than AP Lit though I’m doing alright. I need to get my ass in gear and get that back up to at least a B. I think an A is a lost cause now. I just want a B in that class.</p>

<p>i am experiencing this as a junior. </p>

<p>only it’s more existentialist angst (“this is so pointless, i could just study whatever i want on my own” etc. etc.) than anything else.</p>

<p>still, the effects are the same. very inconvenient for my transcript.</p>

<p>I am deeeefffinitely down to a 3, AT BEST. I’ve even found it difficult to feel that guilty about it at this point. Not good.</p>

<p>im down to a 3, most def.</p>

<p>Let’s put it this way…
I jumped 20% on the last day of first semester which brought me up to a C…
After getting into the university of my dreams, it’s hard to stay motivated, I’ll admit.
2 or 3 for me.</p>

<p>^How is that existential angst? XD</p>

<p>I’d put myself at a 4/4.5 right now…</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure I bombed that AP Chem test that looked similiar to a real AP test on Chapter 15/Buffers last Friday … Dead serious. </p>

<p>I even dreamed I got an H on that test! Not an F, an H! Lmao.</p>

<p>I even studied for that test and stayed up hours, but that test was brutal. So all in all, I’d say I’m a 6-7 since I still put effort into my work somewhat.</p>