Senioritis :(

<p>so i got into uc riverside and got rejected by cal state long beach. the other uc schools i applied are uc irvine, davis, santa barbara, santa cruz. i was wondering when do i tell the school i got a D. i got a D in precalc first semester but second semester i got a C- in my junior year, retook it senior year because they didnt have it during the summer because of the budget cuts and still got a D. and i got a D+ in AP Stats and ended up dropping it for second semester. will the UCs take away my admission? i really wanna get into ucr at least. my gpa is 3.3 and ACT is 24.</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>uhh you should inform them anyways before they see your official transcript and rescind you in july. </p>

<p>I don’t know if they will rescind but it’s better than not informing them than turning in SIR THEN getting rescinded in july before you move in.</p>

<p>You will get rescinded for sure if you hide information like change in schedule.</p>

<p>ohh i see. do i call them or write an essay to them explaining my grades? i have a good excuse though. it involves my grandma getting sick in taiwan and my mom had to pay for the hospital bills and we are all worried about it. this is real too, not making it up.</p>


<p>It depends on the school. For Irvine, you have to mail them a letter. For SB and SC, you have to send an email. Davis is the easiest; on the admissions page there is a section where you can update courses and inform them that you got a D in a class. Don’t know about Riverside, I didn’t apply there.</p>

<p>I’m not saying your excuse isn’t valid, but it seems that everybody always has a good excuse, or so the UCs figure. I would contact them as soon as possible. And I would also imagine the school’s website on how to contact them would be a more reliable source than this forum. Don’t leave yourself the chance of getting rescinded because you got false information from here. Just saying.</p>

<p>bump. need some help.</p>

<p>bump 10 char</p>

<p>Tell them now. I had a friend fail a class and she had to call up all of her colleges to inform them.</p>

<p>yea imma write an explantion to them soon. i heard though that the ucs check your first senior semester grade before they accept u, is that true? bump 10char</p>

<p>No, unfortunately, instead they accept you based on your application (except for a percent or two who were already asked for senior grades). Then, if you select one of them, pay your deposit, they will require a final transcript at the end of the year. Your offer of acceptance from a UC comes with conditions - grades you must have earned in senior year - and if you didn’t meet those, you are rescinded (can’t attend). </p>

<p>Once you know which campus or campuses have said yes to you, look at the conditions of each offer. Any that you won’t meet due to senioritis would need to be notified and discuss it, to be sure they will make an exception for you (if they do). A safe strategy would be to avoid any college where your senior grades didn’t meet their conditions of the offer. The conditions vary, with Cal and UCLA the toughest. Some look at weighted GPA but others only the unweighted. Some require each of the two senior semesters to meet the condition, others specify only the full year average of the two. If the final semester is better than your first, you have a chance to bring up the average but that isn’t going to matter to a school like Cal that examines each semester individually.</p>