Seniors - How Are you Planning to Spend this Summer?

<p>so lots of people have told me that this upcoming summer is </p>


<p>that i can party the hardest and go all out before i go off to college.
it makes sense, because at college, i'd be busy getting jobs and landing internships all over the place, that i would hardly have time to do anything during vacation. </p>

<p>Still though, does anyone plan on attending any good summer program? Not like the educational **** where you take classes but more of those laid-back ones, maybe like abraod? I wanna do this really badly, but I can't find any for high school graduates/ incoming freshmen. </p>

<p>I know it's a little early to think about this, but summer applications are usually due this winter.</p>

<p>It’s your last summer as a kid, just chill. </p>

<p>When again in your life will you be able to just shoot the breeze for three months?</p>

<p>I don’t know yet. I know I have a job, but I’m not sure how much I’ll be working. It will probably be somewhere between 25 and 35 hours per week. And I might try to learn a new language. I don’t know. I don’t have anything huge planned, and it will probably stay that way.</p>

<p>work massive hours to save for college, sleep lots, friends lots, and learn guitar lol</p>