Seniors: What schools did you apply to?

I only applied BS/MS PA programs

  1. Thomas Jefferson University (accepted EA)
  2. Quinnipiac (accepted EA)
  3. Saint Louis (accepted EA, waiting on PA decision)
  4. Hofstra (accepted EA, waiting on PA decision)
  5. Desales (accepted EA)
  6. Seton Hill (accepted EA)
  7. Kings (accepted EA)

I want to become a PA (not sure which specialty yet, thinking of primary care, surgery, or emergency) in as little time as possible because I want to pay as little as possible for college. I am sooo excited to learn things related to PA! I’m also looking forward to the change in the environment.

To be honest, I am not really sure! I like to meet new people and spark meaningful conversations, so I guess my answer is… anyone!


Hey guys!

These are the colleges I applied to, including ones I have already recieved a decisions for. I applied for BA/BS psych Still waiting to hear from those unmarked :slight_smile:

UC Berkeley
UC San Diego
UT Austin :x: ( rejected)
Cal Poly SLO✅ ( accepted)
ASU✅ ( accepted)
Univeristy of Arizona✅ ( accepted)
SUNY Stony Brook :white_check_mark: ( accepted )
UC Santa Barbara
UC Davis
CSU Long Beach :white_check_mark: accepted
San Jose State University
TAMU :white_check_mark: ( accepted into BLINN)
UT Dallas
UC Irvine❌ rejected
UC Santa Cruz
UC Riverside
CSU Fullerton
San Diego State University

I’m really excited to meet new people in college and do things I normally wouldnt do, and hopefully learn some new skills and join a lot of clubs. I’m also really eager to play soccer. I would like to meet my friends and everyone I possibly can in college. The experience seems to incredible and I’m looking forward to it a lot!


I applied to a lot, honestly maybe too many…

  1. Georgia Tech
  2. Calpoly SLO
  3. UC Berkeley
  4. Purdue
  5. Ohio State
  6. UIUC
  7. UCLA
  8. UC San Diego
  9. UC Davis
  10. CU Boulder
  11. UC Santa Barbara
  12. UC Irvine
  13. NYU
  14. RPI
  15. Drexel (EA)
  16. WPI (EA)
  17. Rutgers (EA)
  18. Union College
  19. UC Riverside
  20. Calpoly Pomona
  21. UC Merced

You’re good dude; I applied to around 50 :joy:


HOLY CRAP, never mind! Did you regret applying to that many?

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haha. Well, I applied to so many because I assumed that I’d get rejected everywhere but then I got accepted to quite a few so yes, I do regret it now :joy:

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I regret applying to so many RD because I’m having trouble keeping myself distracted while waiting for decisions.


OMG yes same! But all my EA schools were public unis with the exception of Harvard (REA) and that’s why I had to apply to more privs in the RD round.


I applied to

  1. University of Arizona :white_check_mark:
  2. University of Iowa :white_check_mark:
  3. Ohio State :x:
  4. University of Minnesota :white_check_mark:
  5. UMass-Amherst :white_check_mark:
  6. UT-Austin :x:
  7. NC State (Deferred)
  8. Chico State :white_check_mark:
  9. Indiana :white_check_mark:

Still waiting on
UGA :x:
Cal Poly SLO (WL)
San Diego State :white_check_mark:
UC-Davis (WL)
UC-Irvine :x:
UC-San Diego :x:

I want to expand my opportunities once in college, I applied as a business major for a couple of schools and sports management for other ones.

Relishing the college experience would be great once life is back pre-covid times :grinning:


Hey! I applied to 20 schools:

  1. Amherst
  2. Barnard
  3. Brown
  4. Bryn Mawr
  5. Columbia (ED, deferred)
  6. Emory (early admit, 100k over 4 years)
  7. Lafayette (scholarship finalist)
  8. Loyola Chicago (Rolling, 25k/year scholarship)
  9. Northwestern
  10. Oberlin Arts and Sciences
  11. Pomona
  12. Smith
  13. Swarthmore
  14. Tulane (EA, deferred)
  15. UNC Chapel Hill (EA, denied)
  16. Vanderbilt
  17. Vassar
  18. WashU
  19. Wellesley
  20. Yale

I’m most looking to expand my perspective on the world and learn from my peers as well as professors. I hope to learn things and take classes I’d never dream of!

I’d LOVE to meet Kate Mckinnon (I love her :smile:)


I applied to a ton of schools in California and a few elsewhere but here they are:

  1. San Diego State (Accepted)
  2. Cal Poly SLO (Accepted)
  3. CSU Fullerton
  4. CSU Los Angeles (Accepted)
  5. UC Berkeley
  6. UCLA
  7. UC San Diego
  8. UC Santa Barbara
  9. UC Irvine
  10. UC Davis
  11. UC Riverside
  12. UC Santa Cruz
  13. UC Merced
  14. USC
  15. Pepperdine University
  16. Loyola Marymount University
  17. University of Arizona (Accepted)
  18. Arizona State University (Accepted)
  19. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

I am looking for a good education in the health sciences and I primarily applied as a public health or some type of life science major. I’m also looking to move closer to my girlfriend who lives in SoCal but she’s applying to university next year. After my undergrad, I’d like to go into medicine and eventually work in research for life extension therapy or become a family medicine practitioner. Of the schools I listed, USC is probably my top choice and after that UC Santa Barbara and Cal Poly SLO are close seconds. I don’t want to go to a school that’s TOO competitive and crush my GPA alongside my med school hopes and dreams LOL.

After the pandemic, I’d like to see my grandparents because I haven’t seen them in a long time.


I applied to:

  1. Vanderbilt (rejected)
  2. Richmond University (waitlisted)
  3. American University (accepted)
  4. George Washington University (accepted)
  5. UNC Chapel Hill (waitlisted)
  6. Appalachian State University (accepted EA)
  7. NC State University (accepted EA)
  8. University of Virginia (rejected)
  9. New York University

I want to study business.
I hope to have a good time in college and I hope to meet a lot of new people!
If I could meet one person it would be Kendrick Lamar.


Hi other seniors!

I applied to:

  1. Yale University RD
  2. Cornell University RD
  3. University of Virginia RD
  4. Tufts University ED1 (denied :frowning: )
  5. Northeastern University ED2 (accepted and committed :slight_smile: )
  6. Boston University RD
  7. Brandeis University RD
  8. George Washington University RD
  9. American University RD
  10. Rutgers University EA (accepted)

Since I committed to Northeastern, I didn’t receive decisions from any of my RD schools. Who knows if I would’ve gotten in lol :wink:


Hi! I don’t usually post about myself, but it was really cool to read all of your responses, so I wanted to share too! I’ve applied to:

  1. Brown University
  2. Bryn Mawr College
  3. Connecticut College
  4. Drew University (accepted EA)
  5. Gettysburg College
  6. Haverford College
  7. Lafayette College
  8. Lehigh University
  9. Princeton University
  10. Sarah Lawrence College (accepted EA)
  11. Stevens Institute of Technology
  12. Swarthmore College
  13. Vassar College

I’d like to major in biology and/or computer science (or computational biology if I go to Brown!), and I’d really love to get some experience doing research that combines the two. I’m also excited (and nervous) to meet new people, since I’ve lived in the same town for almost my entire life. I’m also hoping to gain some more independence and life skills.

Although I don’t have a specific person in mind for the third question, I am excited to meet all of my future college classmates and professors. Mostly, I really want to meet people with experiences and opinions and insights that are different from mine, so I can understand the world from different points of view.

I can’t wait to see where all of us end up! Congratulations to everyone who has already committed, and best of luck to everyone else! :smile:


UCI Accepted RD - The Henry Samueli School of Engineering


aye congrats


Got waitlisted at Richmond (due to financial aid stuff). Hope to resolve it up soon and get accepted (I’ve seen their waitlist acceptance rate is 11%)

Hi guys! It’s so good to meet all of you!! Good luck in the RD round, the wait is awful!

I’m glad I don’t have the largest # of schools in this thread. I applied EA to:

  1. UNC-Chapel Hill :white_check_mark:
  2. Appalachian State University :white_check_mark:
  3. UNC-Greensboro :white_check_mark:
  4. Temple University :white_check_mark:
  5. Miami University (Ohio) :white_check_mark:
  6. Clark University :white_check_mark:
  7. Macalester College :white_check_mark:
  8. University of Chicago (deferred, then :x: RD)

RD round so far:

  1. UNC-Asheville :white_check_mark:
  2. Yale University :x:
  3. Tufts University :x:
  4. Brandeis University-- waitlisted
  5. Davidson College-- waitlisted
  6. Mount Holyoke College :white_check_mark:
  7. Wesleyan University :white_check_mark:
  8. Swarthmore College :x:
  9. Bryn Mawr College :white_check_mark:
  10. Haverford College :white_check_mark:

I’m an undecided major, so at the moment, my goal in college is to just have a real academic experience again. I’m also looking forward to living a more independent lifestyle and continuing my political and environmental action work.

In terms of people I want to meet… let’s go with a response that had better come true, and say my college classmates! :wink:


Applied to:

  1. Michigan State University EA :white_check_mark:
  2. Purdue University EA (Waitlisted)
  3. Georgia Institute of Technology EAII :white_check_mark:
  4. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign EA :white_check_mark:
  5. University of Michigan EA :white_check_mark:
  6. University of Texas at Austin EA :x:
  7. University of California Berkeley RD
    8.University of California Los Angeles RD :x:

I plan to study Computer Science or Data Science
I hope to just have a wonderful experience on campus and meet new opportunities! Ready for fall 2021 :smiley:

Edit: Rejected UCLA CS :frowning: