Sent app on Dec 24... when will I hear back?

<p>As I mentioned above, I applied to U Mich on December 24. According to the wolverine access thing, the university recieved all my materials on the 9th. So any ideas when I cam expect to hear a decision? thanks for the help</p>


<p>I’m in the same boat, I wanna know when these decisions come out.</p>

<p>they start February 15 from what I’ve heard…but it could be up until april</p>

<p>Actually, it could be anytime between late January and mid April, but most responses will come between March 15 and April 1.</p>


<p>i’m not sure what other answer you are looking for…no one knows for sure when you will hear back. it could be next week, or next month. who knows.</p>

<p>I’m really curious as well as eagerly waiting to see if anybody knows anything! I would love to find out sooner rather than later</p>