Sent Email Using Wrong College Name

I sent an application update email to the admissions officer at Northeastern University, but I mentioned UVA 2-3 times throughout the email.

His response started with “I don’t work at UVA but you’re set for Northeastern.”

I apologized in my reply but should I be worried at all? Will this affect my application at all?

Thanks everyone

(I understand there are similar existing posts but I haven’t found anything posted recently so I can’t help but be a little bit uneasy!!)

It’s not ideal, but there probably isn’t anything more you can do. Just make sure to proofread very carefully from now on. Good luck!

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Since Northeastern is slightly more selective than UVA, it won’t matter. Now if you put Princeton instead of UVA, then that is another story.

Just kidding. I think this happens all the time. I would not worry about it.

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Relatively frequent problem. Colleges shrug it off. Don’t worry.

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Read this and relax


The clam fart thread is one of the best, and definitely the funniest on this board!

My D once got a weird email from an Ivy coach. She intended to forward it to me with a snarky comment, and instead sent her critical remark to the coach! It was mortifying. These things happen. Don’t beat yourself up.