<p>T__T; What do I do?! It says to not submit more than once. But I didn't get any an email and ID number so I'm worried..</p>
<p>neither have I, but since its this time of the season, give them about 1~2 weeks to process and verify the data. BTW, kimchidoodles? Korean? Seems like CC is overflowing with Koreans</p>
<p>Sometimes the auto-generated response e-mails get swallowed up by spam blockers. You should call or e-mail the admissions office when it opens back up on Monday.</p>
<p>It should come later today or even tomorrow.
I think I got my confirmation the next day actually~</p>
<p>omg…its been 4 days already…did anyone wait longer than that?!</p>
<p>For the last few days, Yahoo has been blocking all the auto-confirmation e-mails from being delivered, so if you included a Yahoo account with your application, your best bet would be to call or e-mail the office in order to get your confirmation number.</p>
<p>I havent gotten one either! I sent it like a wee ago. I’m freaking out.</p>