<p>I know SEOG is a supplementary educational opportunity grant. Is it available only to those with EFC=0? Or to those whose EFC are low say $ 400.? Is it institutionally granted?</p>
<p>Thanks for your help.</p>
<p>I know SEOG is a supplementary educational opportunity grant. Is it available only to those with EFC=0? Or to those whose EFC are low say $ 400.? Is it institutionally granted?</p>
<p>Thanks for your help.</p>
<p>Schools set their own criteria for the SEOG. At my both my kid’s schools it requires a 0 EFC. This is fairly common I believe.</p>
<p>It is campus based and they are given a limited amount of SEOG funds. Different schools also have different SEOG maximums. At my daughter’s school the maximum is $2,000 a year. At my son’s school it is $200 a year. If you meet the schools eligibility criteria it is awarded by the school with your other need based aid.</p>