<p>Ok. I'm having an EXTREMELY hard time with the ACT reading - it just doesn't make sense. I read the passages and understand a large majority of it but when I go to answer the questions, I get them wrong a large majority of the time. I am using Barron's ACT workbook and I am becoming really frustrated. Is it because of the fact that I have been prepping for the SAT CR for so long that my mindset is different or is it something else?
Time does not seem to be an issue b/c I am finishing each section in good time.</p>
<p>Btw, which book is the best advice for the Writing portion?</p>
<p>for reading, if youre using the PR strategies, id recommend abandoning them. they turn each passage into a big production and just cause more anxiety.
personally, (ive been scoring 34-36 consistently) i read the passage first and underline and circle as i go along. its important not only to understand the passage as a whole, but also to take note of main details. dont worry about the minutia.
after taking so many practice tests, youll be able to kind of predict what questions are going to be asked and as you read youll be able to take note of these things and realize that youre staring at an answer without even reading the questions.</p>
<p>yeah, i think you should practice as much as possible. also reviewing the answers to questions, even the ones you get right, helps to solidify information.
i havent taken ant real act ones, just mcgraw hill and pr.</p>
<p>Your issue is probably just reading way too much into the question.
Practice and learn what's right. I've gotten 35 and 34 on the reading section, so I know you can do it too.
If time is an issue for you, just know that you have at the most 30 seconds to fiddle with each question.</p>