Serious topic about roommates

<p>On our housing contract, will there be a designated spot to include a person’s name if we already have an idea of who we want to dorm with? My friend and I are both going to be going to Muir, and since we’ve been friends for a while now, we’d like to live together at least our first year in college.</p>

<p>This topic mainly goes out to the people already in UCSD and have gone through this whole process. I know other UCs such as UCI and UCLA allow this, but when reviewing the UCSD sample housing contract on their website, it had no such thing that I could find.</p>

<p>Anyway, thanks for any help, guys!</p>

<p>I know some current freshman who graduated from my high school who were really good friends and roommed together...i'm sure it's not a random coincidence of roommate assigment, so yeah, you guys can room together</p>

<p>but i wouldn't recommend it...i've heard that the quickest way to ruin a friendship is to room with your friend...</p>

<p>for revelle i KNOW you can request someone but they have to request you too (i'm sure it's the same for the other colleges)</p>

<p>but i also heard that you should STRONGLY consider and think about rooming with them because it's usually a bad thing</p>

<p>I know the implications that it can possibly ruin friendships, but we /think/ we can handle it. If anything, we can both not see each other in the day and just see each other at night. He's a very studious type and cracks down on work when needed. I'm more of an outgoing type that's crams a lot. That's really the only conflict I would see (him getting angry at me for distracting him). I don't know, though. Like I said, we'd be doing this for only a year, probably, so if things don't go so well, I can spend a lot of time at my friend's apartment in La Jolla.</p>

<p>just throw him out into the common room</p>

<p>Good idea. I want my music on 24/7</p>

<p>I can imagine him getting crazy ****ed at me if I played any Taking Back Sunday or The Go! Team while he studies >_<</p>

<p>what about being in the same dorm with him but a different room off of the common?</p>

<p>Hahaha. That could work, too. I'm just hoping we don't develop any real problems with each other in college.</p>

<p>yeah that'd suck
2 of my good friends are going (well one may go to berkeley) and we're all in different colleges. me revelle, stacy marshall, molly sixth so there's no chance for any of us to room together</p>

<p>From my school, only three people are going as well: Me (Muir), Jose (Muir), and Melanie (Muir, too, but can't room with her). I have 5 or 6 friends going to UCSD from different high schools and I already have 6 or so friends that already attend UCSD. I guess it won't be that new of an experience :{</p>

<p>My school is pretty undecided right now (Everyone is waiting until last minute to submit their SIRs) so I'm not sure the total amount going to UCSD</p>

<p>well the fact that it isn't high school will be a new experience all in its own - from there it's what you choose to make of it</p>

<p>at my school we got like 7 people goin. sadly, no ones in my college (muir), and 6th.</p>

<p>I'm pretty sure it's relatively easy to dorm with a friend at any UC campus. Most people who request roommates usually get it. UCSD might be different with their six college system...but it seems only reasonable to let you personally pick each other.</p>