Server Switch

Sometime in the next few days we’ll be switching to a new set of servers. Expect a few hours of downtime. If we can do it in the wee hours of the morning, we’ll do it then to minimize the interruption.

The new setup will be much more powerful than the old one, with some redundancy and failover features to be sure nobody suffers from CC withdrawal symptoms.

Thanks for your patience - we’re building a better CC for you!

Scary time of year to do this… but ok =D

Thanks for all your hard work!! :slight_smile:

u guys should get extra extra powerful servers capable of way way more traffic load so that this server switching business does not happen as frequently as it seems to be happening!

thanks and good luck

The new setup should cut downtime due to switching or other problems - we’ll be able to add new servers on the fly, or bypass a server that’s having problems.

could we update the boards too?

just want to say thanks for providing this website free of charge. it’s really incredible!

Why isn’t there a Reply to Message button for the message system?

Thanks for the headsup. Good luck with this…you know we cannot live w/o our fix.