Server Upgrade

When we switched to the new forum earlier this fall, we also brought a powerful new server online to keep things running smoothly. In the last week, our volume spikes put the server under quite a bit of load. Although our members probably didn’t notice much more than slightly slower page load times, we’ll be conducting an upgrade within the next day or so. The outage should be fairly brief and will be done at a time of day when comparatively few of our U.S. members are visiting. When we’re back online you should see the zippy performance you’ve come to expect here at College Confidential.

Thanks for your patience!

And thanks to you too for such a tr




This is amazing. Where does CC get the money from? :slight_smile:

Adds and Barry’s services : )

That’s all? Maybe the US Dept of Edu is secretly funding CC. I kid. I would be willing to contribute money for more improvements.

use linux for servers much cheaper (free), hardly break down, and u save thousands.