<p>So, I've been doing alot of thinking about my Service Selection...I know it's kinda early but I'm excited! I think that EOD might be for me. I'm a pretty hardcore girl...I've always played with the guys my whole life. Can anyone on here give me an more personal insight on EOD. All info is welcome.</p>
<p>at work in the fleet, your going to work with alot of hooya deepsea.
you can get stationed at mdsu-1, mdsu-2, or eodmu-7 in guam and some cool other places. thats were i lived. i grew up eod and diver whole life so i can tell you when your eod, the people you work with are like family. its not all, hey do pushups im your CO kind of thing.</p>
<p>I’m a doc with Marines right now… and one of my buddies got chopped out to deploy with a Marine EOD unit. He loves it. I’m sure it’s not exactly the same as Navy EOD, but they’re all family.</p>
<p>EOD is a kind of rate that you really become close with your people… just like Dive, SEALs, SWCC, See-Bees, and even us Corpsmen.</p>
<p>You’ll like it, EOD does some sick stuff, especially in-country overseas. Blowing ordnance up always sounds like a good idea for me.</p>
<p>The Navy’s a great branch to be in as well. And since you want to be an EOD Officer… you’ll have it WAY easier than the enlisted counterparts. Enlisted is pretty terrible sometimes.</p>
<p>My S (NROTC 1C) just got selected for EOD. He will grad./commision in May. EOD is pretty selective. S was told that this year (class of 2009) twelve would be selected from NROTC and twelve from USNA. S was told no females were selected this yr.
If EOD is your goal, you will do well to start preparing early. Running, swimmimg, weight lifting, sit-ups, push-ups,pull-ups become part of your daily routine. </p>
<p>You need to let your Officers/Advisors know early on that you are interested in EOD. There is a lot of paperwork/prep/recommendations involved.</p>
<p>It is important to qualify for the EOD cruise for your 1C summer cruise.
S did his at Little Creek (Norfolk) last summer. To say it was intense, is putting it lightly.</p>
<p>The physical portion of the test is tough. Also you must have perfect vision for EOD.</p>
<p>S loved it and knew it was definitely the thing for him. He really liked the comraderie among the EOD guys. Of course the jumping out of helicopters and blowing things up was great too.</p>
<p>If selected for EOD, you will spend about year in EOD school after graduating fr. college. You have to get through Dive sch., jump sch. and EOD sch.</p>
<p>"Recently, the 1047 members of the Class of 2008 chose the following service and warfare specialties to enter after graduation and commissioning:</p>
<p>… Special Operations (diving, salvage and explosive ordnance disposal): 14 men and 1 woman." </p>