Service Unavailable

<p>I just tried to submit my application and when I reached the payment it took me to a blank page that just said "Service Unavailable". Is anyone else having this problem?? Could it be because of an overloaded system or am I possibly doing something wrong? I sent the question through McGill's question form too.</p>

<p>I've already filled out the application TWICE because I didn't realize it wouldn't be saved if I left it. This is sooooooooooooo baaaaaaaaad.</p>

<p>Try from a different computer.
Do you have CA Antivirus installed? If so, then disable the firewall temporarily. I cannot remember if Service Unabailable was the exact message, but I remember having difficulties submitting it. Are you talking about Minerva or the first application though???</p>

<p>The first, preliminary application for undergraduate admission. I did try it on different browsers but not on different computers so i will use a school computer today and see. They haven’t replied unfortunately, and I’m getting a teensy bit word about the looming deadline (15th).</p>