SET. A million questions...

Lurker and appreciate all the info here. Thx.

Wondering if being in SET (CTY) is something you mention on your apps? Does it matter? How many people get in SET a year? Do PEA and PA have a lot of SET kids? Other schools? Any stories about BS adjustment or unique issues?

Definitely mention anything and everything you’ve accomplished. And yes, there are a multitude of applicants that participate/qualified for CTY or TIP programs. Even the honors/awards you may think are insignificant should go on your application (lesson learned from DS…he only mentioned what he thought was important)

Yes, I agree mention all awards. Son got a silly award and put it on and the admissions director mentioned it in his acceptance note.

I concur. Mention everything! I think we included the SAT scores in parentheses somewhere on the application.

I think mine mentioned it. I don’t know if he put down his actual scores anywhere. There will be SET kids at many boarding schools. I am not sure how many kids qualify for SET each year. Each quarterly newsletter shows the kids who joined and sent in a photo/opted in to being included.

Like any accomplishment, it’s a good thing to mention, but it doesn’t really guarantee much (obviously). Apparently, most SET members are male and the vast majority qualify in math. I have been told it’s considered more impressive to qualify in verbal or be a female qualifier, in part because fewer have done it through the years.

What’s SET?

I absolutely would mention SET.

@CottenCandyTrill - Study of Exceptional Talent run by a group at Johns Hopkins. Students take SAT or ACT in 7th grade to qualify.

More specifically, it should be taken before age 13 to have the normal cutoffs. After age 13, the cutoffs increase:

Hello - don’t get overconfident with having the SET qualification. There are tons of kids who score 99th percentile on the SSAT each year who apply to boarding schools and get rejected. All schools look for kids who are good test takers, and your child is clearly one.

However make sure that your child develops something else for the application. Just having a high score with nothing else won’t make for an attractive application. There are some schools