Setback essay??

<p>Would it be bad to acutally come out and say that I've never had a setback?
Or should I chose a minor one? I don't know, because that makes it seem liek I'm sort of grabbing in the dark just to find something for the topic..</p>

<p>sorry bump</p>

<p>Please does ANYONE have an opinion on this?</p>

<p>what essay topic are you talking about?
something specifically asking about a setback you've had?</p>

<p>OP: You still interested in this thread?</p>

<p>Hah, well that essay kind of died..but what's your opinion just in case I bring it up again?</p>

<p>Isn't a setback essay a little cliched? Everybody seems to be writing about one.</p>

<p>If this essay is not a requirement, do not write about something you are not comfortable with. If you cannot come up with a setback that is meanful, choose something else.</p>