Seton Hall Chance Me

GPA: 3.568 UW 4.270 W on upward trend
SAT: 1340 (640 RW and 700 M)
Class Rank: 12th percentile in public high school class of 420
Schedule: I have taken 9 AP classes, 8 Honors, 5 Regular (Just about the hardest schedule my school allows)

ECs: 4 Years JV/Varsity Basketball
3 Years Involved in Crossfit Training
1 Year Involved in Freshman Baseball
2 Years Involved in Personal Basketball Training
2 Years Involved in Club Basketball
1 One year involved as founder/president of political discussion club

Honors: AP Scholar with Honors
4 Years on Honor Roll
International Certificate of Friendship with China through Basketball
San Diego All-Academic Team for Basketball
Varsity Basketball Rookie of the Year
German Honor Society
Multiple other athletic awards

Extra Info: Out of state applicant
Bi-Lingual (German)
First Generation College Student
Solid essay and recommendations
White, Male, from California
Applying EA as an International Diplomacy Major

Please be as honest as possible.

I would not come all the way from CA to attend Seton Hall.

Why not? I found their international relations and diplomacy major and it looks really promising.

We have very similar (Virtually the SAME) stats and I was just accepted as an OoS EA applicant from Texas with an $83,000 merit scholarship package. You’re odds are great. I was accepted into their BS program for International Relations and Diplomacy. I too have heard the criticism, but chose to apply anyways for diversity of options.

I have not made my decision yet. I for sure applied to other schools to broaden my scope of choices. You should as well.

I applied EA with a political science/law major. I just got accepted yesterday. I applied with a 23 ACT score and a 2.85 GPA. Student Council for 4 years. I think that their international relations program is awesome. Good luck!


Thanks girl in my school that is probably as smart as me(takes a lot of the same classes) which is definitely not as much as u, just received like $100,000 package


2 or 3.885?