Get ready to clutch your pearls.
Plenty of sexual activity goes on at boarding school. Here’s a link to Andover’s annual student survey. I would imagine it is representative of most schools. In the latest report (2018), it states “49% of respondents have engaged in sexual activity, compared to 52% from last year’s survey.” Remember, that stat is for all 4 grades. So, as you can see from the report, those who have engaged in sexual activity as freshman is fairly lower. However, it goes up every year (not surprisingly) and by senior year, the majority have.
If your kiddo is a freshman and sophomore and your impression is that it doesn’t go on much, be forewarned that circumstances could change or your child is on the more straight-laced side compared to classmates.
These are teenagers with active libidos and very hormonal - and generally fit, healthy and often attractive. The reality is that although teachers and administration keep an eye on students but they just can’t watch students as closely as in a home environment (not saying all parents do a great job of that).
As far as opportunity and access, these are smart kids. They figure it out. Plenty of places on campus, on the surrounding grounds, even in the dorms. Sneaking out of dorms in the night (or very early morning) is common at BS now and was very common when I was a student, too. But, as smart as they are, the hormones are hopping and they can make dumb decisions as a result.
Also, remember that same sex activity does occur and in those situations access is much easier. Students can be gay, bi, or just experimenting.
Bottom line, keep communication lines open with your kids, discuss sexuality and contraception with them. Yes, schools address it but don’t abdicate your parental responsibility solely to the schools. And keep talking about it, don’t do it just once. Things change with different changes of the teen years. Car rides are a great place for discussions, IMO. Captive audience but no need for eye contact. 
Most schools aren’t one strike schools and even at one strike schools, it isn’t typical to be kicked out for sexual activity. Cheating and drugs, yes. Sexual activity, consequences but not that harsh.