SFS chances for an australian?

<p>Hey everyone,
I'm an Australian and I'll be applying SFS regular decision.
Some honest feedback about chances is much appreciated!</p>

SATS: to be taken october/november
School: In the top 1% of the year (doesn't do ranks)
My courseload is the most challenging. When I apply, I won't have my year 12 grades. Will this hurt admission, even if the school provides projected scores? </p>

<p>General ECs:
* Debating competitively for 5 years + ranked best female speaker (state)
* Public Speaking competitivelyfor 5 years + ranked in the top 10% of the state
* Student Lawyer in Mock Trial and Mooting (ranked best advocate in sydney)
* Australian Representative to the hague for model UN on the Legal Committee with letters of recommendation from the Prime Minister
* Youth Parliament: speaker of the house + lobbyist (worked with minister for education, premier etc to make policies and bills. The Sex Discrimination Act, passed by youth parliament was later enacted into australian federal law)</p>

<p>These are only a few of the ECs, but they provide the basic gist - a lot of debating and I've represented Australia on a number of occasions to youth forums and leadership conventions, so I'm hoping to press my EC list. My letters of support include ones from the prime minister, law dean from university (I was scouted to complete a law degree) and school principal.</p>

<p>Any feedback, please?
I'm a little concerned about SAT II. If I took Maths IC, would that look bad on the app? Any comments, warmly welcome.<br>
Cheers -</p>

<p>No, taking the math IC would not look bad. MIT accepts it, and SFS has very little to do with math, so go ahead and take it. As of right now, it is almost impossible to tell your chances without your SATs. Your ECs and grades look great. However, I've heard it is harder for international students to get admitted. Try and do REALLY well on the SAT I (especially this), and SAT IIs.</p>

<p>really? From what I've heard Georgetown loves people with international experience? Maybe it's different at sfs?</p>

<p>It loves people with international experience (ie American citizens), but it is MUCH more difficult for non-US citizens to get into US colleges, including Georgetown. Maybe SFS is different, but I don't think so.</p>

<p>mmm thats odd because thats the opposite of what I've heard. I know lots of canadians who go to school in the states, it's not a big deal at all. And lots of colleges like internationals because they don't get fin.aid and have to pay full tuition and board. Regardless, I think don't your chances are the best they can be. Don't worry about the scores, the english system functions the same way with ALevels. The uni will be used to it.</p>

<p>Im from New Zealand, and im a freshman in the MSB. Your EC's look pretty good, but yeah definately do well on the SAT and ull hav a good shot</p>

<p>Sorry what I meant to say is that I think your chances ARE the best they can be! Which is completely different to what i typed!</p>

<p>Thanx everyone - yeh, I'll be giving SFS a good shot!
If anyone has more advice, please post/PM. Thanks again.</p>