<p>I know everyone's all excited over EA decisions but would anyone mind evaluating my chances for RD Georgetown SFS? It's my ideal college (which is probably not that unique on this board) and I want to know how realistic my chances are.</p>
<p>Female/caucasian, very competitive public math/sci school in nyc</p>
<p>800 Verbal
760 Math</p>
<p>740 Writing
740 US History
720 Spanish
(Also 720 Bio, 700 Math IIC, 690 World Hist but i guess those dont count...)</p>
<p>US History 5
World History (Self-Studied) 5
Spanish Lang 4
Comparative Govt 4</p>
<p>This year:</p>
<p>AB Calc
AP Stat
AP Micro
AP Macro
AP Spanish Lit
AP US Government (Self-study)
AP Human Geography (Self Study)</p>
<p>Writer on school newspaper, 2 years
President/Founder Classic Rock Club, 4 years
Led fundraisers for Classic Rock Club
Mentoring program, 1 year
National Merit Commended Student
Participated in National Spanish Examination (Twice)
Spanish Honors Society (one year)</p>
<p>Out of school:</p>
<p>Cambridge College Programme - 2 college credits - summer 03</p>
<p>Columbia Summer Program-US Economy + Globalization class - summer 04</p>
<p>1 year - volunteer work editing non-profit music newsletter</p>
<p>2 years - paid part-time bookkeeping/accounting for small business</p>
<p>Recs should be good but nothing extremely special.</p>
<p>Essay should be excellent - still working on that part!</p>
<p>You have AMAZING stats (want to trade?)! But I think this round of EAs that is coming in is an excellent demonstration of how some people with phenomenal stats can get deferred! I have no idea what's going on in Georgetown right now!</p>
<p>Thank you! Sometimes I feel like I have nothing compared to what you see on these boards!</p>
<p>I'm also applying to UPenn, George Washington, NYU Stern, as well as the London School of Economics and Oxford (both UK schools). Was thinking of trying Yale with no real expectations, because they have such a great program there modeled after the one I'm not likely to be accepted to at Oxford. :)</p>
<p>hey, miscgrl, can I ask you specifically <em>what</em> competitive math/sci school you attend? is it stuyvesant?? i hope it is-- I used to go there! I miss it!</p>
<p>I'd say you have a very good shot. Your self study APs show motivation, and your SAT scores are high. Also, you have a variety of EC's which is always good. But, the adcom can often be unpredictable! Good luck!!</p>
<p>i hope you get in, but you never know. I have similar stats (my sat 2s higher, sat's lower) the same AP scores as you, and similar language/mentorship interests. But you never know. I think sometimes the admissions people just see something we dont, or miss something we see. Either way good look....</p>