As the title implies, I’m trying to decide on going to Cal Poly Pomona or San Francisco State both for Computer Science. Currently, I’m leaning more towards SFSU for a few reasons. The first reason is that SFSU is estimated to be a little over 1,000 cheaper than CPP. Also after living in the NorCal Suburbs for so long, I want out and since I’ve always wanted to live in an urban area SFSU definitely satisfies this. CPP, on the other hand, is in the suburbs but it on paper it has more academic opportunities. I plan to focus on cybersecurity and CPP has things such as a degree in computer science with a Cyber Security Career Focus. I’m not sure if the opportunities that CPP has over SFSU justify the higher price and postponing wanting to live in a city.

Thanks for listening to my tangent. Any advice or help anyone can offer would be amazing!

Re: “I’ve always wanted to live in an urban area”

SFSU is in San Francisco, but is in the more “suburban” part of the city, though the houses are somewhat more close together than in other suburban parts of the region. It is also next to a large mall that resembles a typical suburban mall. You would have to go to the opposite corner of the city to get a more “city” feel (though public transit should take you there).

SF is expensive. You’ll spend that extra $1000 (or more!) on housing, food, and entertainment.