Shall I List "This" As an EC???

<p>For the past two summers i have participated in the Jewish Olympics (yes there is a such thing). I played tennis against other Jews from all over the world in St Louis and Texas. In the summer of my freshman year my doubles partner and I won the Gold Medal. I think that it is a huge accomplishment in my tennis career and high school career. Could anyone let me know what they think of this event and if colleges will find it appealing
( i will also have 4 years of varsity tennis which i will of course list)</p>


<p>Yes. Maccabi?</p>



<p>An EC is something that you do habitually and often -- i.e. a club every week or every other week, a sport that you continually practice, etc. If it's a single event, then it doesn't belong in the EC section, unless you practiced for that event regularly. What you accomplished, though, goes in the honors/awards section. It's impressive, and colleges will think so too.</p>

<p>i have a friend who competes in florida. I didn't belive her at first, but now i think that it is the coolest thing ever
i am way jealous.</p>

<p>List it as an award, while listing tennis as an EC</p>

<p>ok thanks.</p>

<p>i have a question too!
i took an advanced web page design class at school, but it doesnt count for school credit.
would that be considered an EC?</p>

<p>^No. You should include it somewhere else, although I'm not exactly sure where.</p>

<p>ok thanks
another question
i took part in a leadership program only open to chinese americans in which we traveled to beijing and hong kong for two weeks. we prepared lessons for the orphans in a local orphanage and then organized lessons focused on American culture to teach the beijing high schoolers. after we attended some classes organized by the school there focused on chinese culture. in hong kong, we visited an anti drug center on an island off of hong kong. they taught us about world visions and about thier stories as past druggies. then we took part in an airsoft war game in which we had missions to complete, teaching us about teamwork and cooperation.</p>

<p>so would i put this as a community service activity or a cultural activity?
thanks again.</p>