shampoo? mascara?

<p>Hey everyone. I visited Kenyon college and I really really liked it. I am also looking at schools like bowdoin. So, Im not a super high maintenance person but I do wear makeup and spend some times on my looks. I was just wondering, where to people get shampoo while leaving a kenyon?? makeup?? Also, how far away is Mt. Vernon by bus? Thanks!</p>

<p>now that i look at that post it seems incredibly stupid. but i know a huge amount about the academics and social life already, i do not only care about where i can get makeup haha.</p>

<p>I would just order from the web (Sephora etc)…they drop (or at least did a few years ago) UPS and FedEx off at your room, and the post office is right in the center of Gambier for US Mail packages. Otherwise Mt. Vernon has Wal-Mart and drug stores plus Kroger and is only about 10 mins away on the shuttle from the bookstore or by your friend’s car :)</p>

<p>Also, the bookstore did stock some basic essentials like shampoo (not a huge selection)…perhaps a current student can let us know if this is still the case?</p>

<p>There’s decent stuff at the bookstore and the market. I mostly buy a big bottle of shampoo/conditioner/whatever on breaks, and I haven’t run out while at school yet. I don’t know how fast you go through mascara, but you’re never gone for more than 3 months so I’m sure you could manage to bring enough for that.</p>