Shipping electronic equipment

<p>I want to ship my printer and monitor because the stupid airline doesn't want to accept responsibility if they are damaged or broken. What's the best shipping option: UPS, FedEx, etc.? Oh and where do I ship it to? The dorm in general? Or the specific dorm room (which ofcourse I still don't have!)?</p>

<p>Thanks for the help!</p>

<p>The official policy requires you to wait until you get your room assignment number before you ship your packages over. The dorms don't have resources to store packages and can't be held liable for them, so they won't accept anything addressed to them without a room number.</p>

<p>I don't know how it works in other dorms, but for mine there is a wall of small mailboxes where people get their mail, which obviously can't hold any packages. So any USPS packages you get are automatically held at the campus post office for you to pick up. However, if you get FedEx or UPS packages, you would have to drive over to the pickup center to get it. Often times, the driver doesn't even bother going to your room and just posts the slip by the dorm's main entrance, which is annoying especially if I happened to be in at the time!</p>