Shipping to Paty

<p>DD will be a freshman in the fall and we are traveling to Tuscaloosa via air. We will be shipping many supplies.</p>

<p>The directions for shipping to Paty indicate to clearly mark the students phone number and email address on the outside of the package.</p>

<p>If I am having items shipped directly from a retailer (Bed Bath and Beyond, for example) I do not know how they would do this.</p>

<p>Is it imperative that this information be on the outside of the box? or is that just for the convenience of the handlers at the distribution center?</p>

<p>If shipping from an online retailer, don’t worry about putting a phone number or email address on the package. As long as the student’s name is on the address label, they will get the package.</p>

<p>Do you think it’s OK to start ordering things online to be shipped to Paty? I’ve been holding off to reduce the chances of something being lost in the shuffle at Paty, but move-in is now in 3 weeks. Still too soon?</p>

<p>I’d probably wait until August, but you’d probably be fine as it’s within the typical 30 day window for holding packages.</p>

<p>The very nice postal employee who works at the post office at the Ferg told me that the Paty holds things for months.</p>

<p>What hours is Paty open for picking up packages?</p>

<p>Can we pick a package up at Paty with our car and drive it over on move-in day? (It would be challenging to walk a larger package over to Riverside.)</p>

<p>some people have brought a folding dolly to help with the shipped packages.</p>

<p>RTRmom2 - We were able to pull up right by Paty (granted this was early move-in but you may find a spot to quickly run in) and get his stuff before going over to move-in. If no room in car before hand, you might want to drop off stuff and before dealing with unpacking run over to Paty (with and student - they need to show id) get it and do a second run through drop-off zone (still within your slotted time). They allow 2 cars for student and I had no problem on return (after quick run to Target).</p>