shoot...transcripts for CSUs???

<p>Do I need to send 7th semester transcripts to all state colleges? If so, how? someone please answer this asap!!! Today is that last day.</p>

<p>Check with your high school counselor- they would know.</p>

<p>Some CSUs do not require transcripts until you have made your commitment deposit, some require transcipts when you apply, and some ask for mid-year grades. There are 23 CSU campuses. You need to go to the website of the particular campuses to which you applied and investigate their requirements. Most students investigate those requirements far in advance of β€œthe last day.”</p>

<p>what about for CSU Fullerton?</p>


[CSUF</a> Admissions and Records - Admissions Deadlines](<a href=β€œ]CSUF”>Redirect)</p>

<p>By the way, I have never visited the CSU, Fullerton website before. It took about 45 seconds to locate this information.</p>