
<p>Just heard on the news about a shooting in a bar near campus in Tuscaloosa… Any news?</p>

<p>At least 16 people were injured, but I don’t believe there were any reported deaths so far, and no idea of motive. This is the email that was sent to students at 3:46 AM:</p>

<p>“TPD reports shooting at Temerson Square. Suspect is not in custody. Avoid the area.”</p>

<p>If you follow the city of tuscaloosa on facebook, they’ve posted a lot of information. Unfortunately since I’m at work, I can’t post those links, but here is the Fox news article on it [Multiple</a> people hurt in Tuscaloosa bar shooting | Fox News](<a href=“]Multiple”>Police: Ala. bar shooter targeted person in crowd | Fox News) and this is the tuscaloosa news article (it’s been updated far more frequently) [Shooting</a> in Temerson Square leaves at least 16 injured |](<a href=“]Shooting”></p>

<p>This just makes me sick to my stomach!</p>

<p>TPD is holding a press conference at 10 AM CT., as usual, is updating frequently ([At</a> least 17 injured in shooting at downtown Tuscaloosa bar |](<a href=“]At”>At least 17 injured in shooting at downtown Tuscaloosa bar - Hope they catch this guy soon and that everyone in critical makes it out!!</p>

<p>This is tragic. Hope everyone recovers and that the shooter is quickly apprehended.</p>

<p>Colleague just told me about this. Freaking out here. How close is this to camous?</p>

<p>downtown area: 24th Avenue and 4th Street, I think.</p>

<p>This shooting is thought to be tied to a shooting at Indian Lakes, a family residential area in Northport. The Copper Top is a bar frequented by local students (from Tuscaloosa), mainly older students, and is considered pretty mild according to my nephew who fortunately wasn’t there last night. A friend of his was shot but we don’t know his condition. There is a video circulating of the shooter walking down the street and it shows him hugging the wall so to speak when noticed by two students walking down the street carrying a gun before the shooting. Prayers for the families of those injured.</p>

<p>This could have happened anywhere.</p>

<p>if you go to google maps, and put in Copper Top Bar, tuscaloosa, AL, you can see where the bar is in relation to the campus. It is beyond the strip. </p>

<p>This is very sad, and frightening for everyone. Especially those of us planning to send our kids many miles and hours from home to this “small” town. Just remember, these unfortunate events happen everywhere, all of the time. That does not make it less of an event, but may help to put it in perspective just a little bit. </p>

<p>Until we know the motivation, and they have the shooter in custody, try to take deep breaths. And those in Tuscaloosa right now, stay safe.</p>

<p>I want to appologize if my previous post sounded callus at all. Living between DC and Baltimore, living through the DC sniper, being just a few miles from the Pentagon attack on 9/11, and all of the other stupid stuff around here that happens, a coping response is for me to “minimize” events. At least until all of the info is in. </p>

<p>My other response is to make stupid and often inappropriate jokes about the situation. Another coping mechanism. </p>

<p>I do find this event sad and frightening- please do not doubt that. And I do hope that the shooter is caught very soon so that we can all breath easier.</p>

<p>It didn’t think your post was callus at all.:)</p>

<p>Link to pictures of the shooter with assault rifle:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>At least 17 injured in shooting at downtown Tuscaloosa bar -;

<p>Very sad. My thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families.</p>

<p>That bar is about a block north of DePalma Italian restaurant in Downtown. It’s about 1.5 miles west of campus. </p>

<p>I hope and pray that the injuries are minor and everyone recovers. </p>

<p>Vlines…yes, this sort of thing can happen and does happen everywhere. I, too, hope that the shooter is apprehended shortly. I wonder if this was some kind of domestic violence related tragedy?</p>

<p>Although D received an alert, I was surprised there wasn’t an alert on MyBama since the shooter hasn’t been apprehended and by the looks of the pics appears to be an average looking person who could easily blend in.</p>

<p>This is a tragedy, hoping that all the injured are doing okay, five are still in the hospital. There are many videos of this suspect and hopefully someone will recognize this perpetrator right away. The more eyes on the video, the better.</p>

<p>live streaming of news conference now on Fox 6 news</p>


<p>3 victims are UA students</p>

<p>1 victim in extremely critical condition</p>

<p>3 victims in critical condition</p>

<p>Shooter used military style assault weapon</p>

<p>Letter from Dr. Judy Bonner…</p>

<p>Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who were injured in the shooting in downtown Tuscaloosa last night.* We have learned that three students suffered non life-threatening injuries. Two were treated and released from the hospital, and one is being held for observation.
The Emergency Policy Group convened as soon as we were notified by the city of Tuscaloosa and has been in close contact with Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox and UAPD since the incident occurred. Following the shooting, UAPD took precautionary measures in the areas west of campus and offered assistance to the Tuscaloosa Police Department.
Also, the University notified the campus community through UA Alerts text messages and emails as soon as information about the situation became available to University officials.
For those who need assistance coping with the aftermath of the shooting, counseling is available through the UA Counseling Center, 1000 South Lawn Office Building (1101 Jackson Avenue), (205) 348-3863.
The safety and well-being of our students is one of our highest priorities at The University of Alabama. The University will continue to partner with the city of Tuscaloosa, as we work together to provide for the safety of our students, faculty and staff.</p>

<p>I wonder if the police standoff in Fairfield is related to this incident? I keep getting alerts from the media, but no details are available.</p>

<p>Standoff over…that suspect is in custody. Don’t know if it’s related. </p>

<p>Fairfield is about 50 miles away. It’s outside of B’ham…so it may or may not be related.</p>

<p>Well that’s a relief. Perhaps will receive more details soon that will provide some clarity. I thought the email from Dr. Bonner was appropriate.</p>