<p>Question about the short essay about your top EC...my commonapp essay was basically on this topic, and I'm very happy with it, but of course it's more like 500 words. There's no explicit limit on the Georgetown essay and it seems to me that you can put as much in that box as you want...should I just send it as is or do I need to cut it down some?</p>
<p>I’d say between 300-500 words is what they want.</p>
<p>I got in EA and my short essay was 798 words… fyi</p>
<p>all of my college essays are right around 500 words. I figure that or maybe a hundred or so more is the length that can sufficiently cover a topic, while at the same time showing the college that you can be concise.</p>
<p>I just copied my answer from Common App. oops, didn’t realize we could/should expand on it more. ._.</p>
<p>haha same alicimoo!!</p>
<p>well then, my 150 word essay might need to be expanded a tad… hahaha! That’s why I love these boards</p>
<p>Mine was around 300.</p>