<p>As we have trimesters, I get the joy of sending in my mid year report now, rather than in January. I had a question regarding the counselor evaluation, where it appears the form is identical. Is the counselor really expected to write another recommendation letter, or is that considered redundant and unnecessary. To me, it seems wasteful to have him write something again - there isn't much more to say - but I wasn't sure. Quick answers would be appreciated.</p>
<p>It’s considered redundant and unnecessary. I believe the form actually states that the counselor need fill out the information only if something has changed since the initial report. (Of course, the identifying information still needs to be entered.)</p>
<p>Thank you.</p>
<p>Our counselors send the exact same recommendation as they did earlier in the year. I’m not sure of the point, but that’s what they do.</p>
<p>The form is not identical. Read the very top of the second page of the Midyear Report.</p>