Short Off-Campus Interview?

Worried about my off-campus interview for Andover that I had about a week ago…

Prior to the interview, my interviewer had informed me that the interview will take 20-30 mins, and a parent interview (just asking questions) will take about 10-15. In addition, she had to interview another applicant, who entered as soon as we left. We pretty much stayed exactly on schedule, but my interviewer didn’t seem to have the time to delve into my passions or what I strive to do at Andover if I have the opportunity to attend. I’ve seen here that the interviews users have had have exceeded an hour, so I was wondering if mine was adequate?
Other than that, I feel like the interview was handled somewhat well, I covered everything that I was passionate about and answered all the questions to try to address some follow-up questions regarding some EC’s my interviewer was wondering about.

Was this an alum interview? We had one of these, if it was. I can’t remember how long the interview took, overall, but the alumnus took DS into his study for about 15 minutes or so. It was not that long. I will admit this was the most awkward and unsettling of all of DS’s interviews. I would not worry about the timeframe, as long as the content seemed to go well.

Off-campus interviews aren’t always the best because the people are often busy and might not care as much as the on-campus interviewers. I did an on-campus interview and we talked for about an hour about Andover and my old school and what I plan to do and stuff. But I also talk A LOT and tend to go off on tangents from the conversation, especially because I kind of forgot I was in an interview and felt like I was talking to a friend, which is weird. I think you’re fine because I’m class VP but when we interviewed with our class sponsors for positions I talked a lot, but the current president said her interview was really short. She was really worried but ended up with president so I’m sure you’re fine.