shot at cornell agricultur and life sciences


<p>this is for my brother </p>

<p>gpa ; 3.65..this is unwieghted gpa
sat's super score ; 700 cr 680 math ,680 writing ..1380/2060
Has an upward grade slope </p>

<p>sat 2'su.s history 670 chem 610
previose a.p's ; a.p u.s he got a 4 / a.p chem he got a 4 </p>

<p>senior year classes </p>

<p>a.p stat
a.p latin ; virgil
a.p calc ab
a.p physics b
some honors religion class
some honors english class </p>

<p>extra curricular stuff along with random information </p>

<p>senior year newspaper ditor
math team
national honor society
my be considered an urm am not sure ; a eastern uropean norn there form the bronx
he participated in a research program at columbia</p>

<p>Hey, you learned how to type...kind of</p>

<p>I suppose he has a shot. His grades and scores aren't particularly high, but he might be able to gain admission with excellent recommendations and creative essays.</p>

<p>I doubt Eastern Europeans are going to be considered under represented minorities.</p>

<p>I think that one of the most important criteria for Cornell admissions is fit. If you have a particular interest that is especially well-suited to study at Cornell, the admissions staff may be more forgiving of grades and scores.</p>

<p>For example, if your brother had an interest in entomology or develpment sociology or any of the more specialized areas and could make a good case for himself with the rest of his application, he could have a fair chance of getting in.</p>