shot At swArthmorE

<p>Ethnicity ; EAstErn EuropEAn
gpA ; 3.71 (unweightEd)/(strAitE A's sophmorE +junior yEAr)
SAt's (took it oncE)
Writing; 710</p>

<p>PreviosE A.P's tAkEn (ExAm grAdE); A.P chem-4 A.P world history -5 A.P us history-5</p>

<p>Senior yEAr coursEs
A.P stAt.
A.P lAtin;virgil
A.P cAlc Ab
A.P physics b
Wriring SeminAr honors
Religion SeminAr honors
sAt 2's
bio ;molecular-700
chEmistry ;760
us History ; 800
Math II;710( took it sick so mAby should rEtAkE it )</p>

<p>ExtrA curriculArs
Senior Editor of sports on nEwspAper
Editor of yEArbook
cAptAin of mAth tEAm
spEEch And dEbAtE (nEvEr did Anything though just wAs in thE picturE And rostEr)
NationAl honor sociEty PresidEnt
HavE done somE tutoring And community sErvicE+tutoring
PresidEnt of thE AlbAninAn club</p>

Not Alot hAvEn't donE much
lAtin 2 prose cum lAudE
latin 3 poEtry summa cum lAudE</p>

<p>cAtchE--wAs brought to AmericA from A wAr torn nnAtion At 2 yEArs old.</p>

<p>sorry About cAps i'm kindA ocd About thEm..........</p>

<p>I hope you didn't type your essays like that...</p>

<p>Yep, I also hope that you didn't type your essays like that. I'm not sure what you're going for, but it'd look so much better if you dropped it - it's SO hard to read.</p>

<p>Anyway, your GPA/SATs/SATII's/courseload look good, but you said that you "haven't done much" and that you are only in some of those ECs for show, which is unfortunate. I hope you didn't say that you were an active participant or anything. Also, what kind of personality did you convey in your app? What are your passions? What do you want to do with your life? And what part of the country are you from?</p>

<p>And being born in Eastern Europe (your ethnicity would be white) isn't really that much of a catch if you moved here at 2 from an unstable country (I moved here at 2 from Moldova - Eastern European too, + poorest country in Europe). If you'd moved here much later it might be different. I mean, I got in, so I don't know how much it helped you still speak whatever language you had there? A second language does help...but again, I wouldn't really call it a hook.</p>

<p>The caps thing is not a good idea for college apps! Otherwise, I'd say you have a shot but no guarantees.</p>

<p>how many time did you "take the sat only once"? You have two different scores in your post history, different sat ii scores and your gpa was all over the place.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a>
(change in apush score and added ap lit)</p>

<p>that was junir year speculation this was my actual thing</p>