shot at u mich

<p>this is for my brother</p>

<p>gpa ; 3.85..this is u mich gpa
sat's super score ; 700 cr 680 math ,680 writing ..1380/2060
Has an upward grade slope</p>

<p>previose a.p's ; a.p u.s he got a 4 / a.p chem he got a 4</p>

<p>senior year classes</p>

<p>a.p stat
a.p latin ; virgil
a.p calc ab
a.p physics b
some honors religion class
some honors english class</p>

<p>extra curricular stuff along with random information</p>

<p>senior year newspaper ditor
math team
national honor society
my be considered an urm am not sure ; a eastern uropean norn there form the bronx
he participated in a research program at columbia</p>

<p>oopsn sat 2's 670 us 610 chem</p>

<p>Unfortunately, umich is a big reach for your brother. GPA is not exactly spectacular and the SAT's are below average. SAT II's don't matter, but are also very low. Curriculum looks good, but many other applicants take similar schedules while earning higher GPA's.</p>

<p>EC's are very generic and do not elevate your brother's abilities above his peers. Newspaper editor, yearbook, and math team are nothing spectacular to begin with. Without leadership positions in those clubs, I do not see any reason why UMich would value his EC's. The research work at Columbia sounds good on paper, but admissions would quickly assume that the 'research' consisted of little more than typing numbers into Excel. It's very rare for high schoolers to participate in actual research projects, especially those students with similar achievements as your brother.</p>

<p>Finally, your brother grew up in the Bronx. Naturally, a NYC resident is open to more opportunities than a typical villager, even if he is part of a lower demographic segment than the villager. Hence, it is expected that most city residents outperform the applicants from rural backgrounds.</p>

<p>P.S. Your brother is not a URM.</p>

<p>I would have to agree with bahamutscale. GPA and leadership, two things Michigan values most, are not really your brother's forte it seems. I would suggest re-taking the SAT and then applying, or applying once he gets stronger senior grades. He has a shot, but a stronger GPA would help tremendously. Plus, he hasn't exactly over-exerted himself as far as AP/honors classes go.</p>

<p>ok how is the gpa low when soph yr he went he got 6 a's with 4 honors classes ans junior he got 5 a's 2 b+'s with all honors and 2 A.P's everybody that gets in to um mich has a u mich gpa of 4.0 since that would be th only thing explaining you saying its low but no it is high so yea you plp hav no idea what your talijkng about when it comes to his gpa..</p>

<p>Actually we do. 25% of the students at UMich have a 3.9 or above. To be competitive OOS, you need to be in the upper 25% range in most if not all categories. Sure, people are always accepted without being in that range, but that's what you need to have the best shot. As far as ECs go, not to be blunt, but I've seen a ton more impressive ones than what your brother has. Also, not sure if UMich considers all honors classes. In the UC system for example, only honors pre-calc and honors-physiology are allowed. All other honors courses are treated as regular college prep classes. Look, your brother has a shot, for sure. All I suggested was to wait until his first semester/quarter/trimester grades are in to boost his chances. And you're the one who asked our opinion in the first place, so don't get mad at us for giving it to you. We're just trying to help.</p>

<p>Honestly I disagree...he's a match in my opinion. His sat's are not below average, and his umich gpa is above average. Furthermore, it's impossible to say he didn't exert himself with ap classes unless we know how many his school offers. He will have taken 6 by graduation, what if his school only offers 6-8? The original post doesn't go into detail with his ec's, but isn't editor of the newspaper a leadership position? I just think from the info posted, saying he is a "big reach" is insane. If he applies asap, I think he'd get in...</p>

<p>well if you'll notice initially he only listed having taken 2 AP classes, so I assumed those were the only weighted courses he'd taken. It's easy to get A's in those then. It wasn't until after we'd replied that he listed the honors courses. I still think he's a slight reach (though not a major one anymore with updated course strength), and only suggested trying to get his GPA up. Also, what bahamutscale said about the whole Bronx thing is true to a certain extent, especially with the new geographic selection they are using in admissions now. I agree that editor is good (I'd accidentally skipped that), but they probably get thousands of people with that written on their apps. Nothing really stood out too much to me. In other words, the EC's aren't the "hook". I think with an improved GPA it's even possibly a safety.</p>

<p>whats the new geographical selection they are using?</p>

<p>I'll try and find the link on the website for you. Basically it is a computer system which finds and reports under-performing and under-represented geographic areas. So, for example, if Suzy attends a school where no one has ever attended Michigan, she might be given the edge over Johnny, who's high school sends 10 kids a year. It also factors in economic stuff. It is their response to affirmative action bans (they said this themselves). I think they are hoping the economic factor will help them still be able to recruit minorities, though I'm not sure exactly how the race factor is used. Of course, this is just one aspect of the admissions process, and would probably only matter on a borderline candidate.</p>

<p>I can't find the article anywhere. if anyone finds it, please post the link.</p>

<p>Am I missing something? A 3.9 Michigan GPA with a 1380/2060 on the SAT is a reach now? I think the OP's brother is a solid match.</p>

<p>i thought UofM didn't super score? He said the 1380/2060 was the super score. mavman, what is your brother's highest single session score?</p>

<p>Yeah, I don't think they do either...</p>

<p>No, they do not super score. </p>

you plp hav no idea what your talijkng about when it comes to his gpa..


<p>I didn't elaborate on your brother's GPA for a reason. I stand by what I stated on his GPA. It's immature for you to ask a question and then tell people that they have no clue of what they're saying. Next time, tell your apathetic brother to come ask himself. Also, it is partially your own fault for typing up a chance thread in less than 1 minute of effort. If you didn't notice, other chance posters detailed their achievements in a long post.</p>

<p>More importantly, notice how I wrote an entire paragraph on his EC's. They are nothing special, if not mediocre. How can you expect us to give your brother praises when he was nothing more than a member , for example, on the math team and yearbook? Even if he was a leader in those organizations, a regular student athlete on a varsity team has a harder life. </p>

<p>Granted, I know little of your school's math team. However, the last time I was in HS, I felt that soccer was much more competitively challenging than any academic organization I joined. Striving to become captain on senior year was a life long pursuit, compared to any leadership on an academic team. I would go so far to say that campaigning for the general school elections were easier than becoming captain considering that the former only required popularity while the latter required popularity AND skill.</p>

A 3.9 Michigan GPA with a 1380/2060 on the SAT is a reach now? I think the OP's brother is a solid match.


<p>If we were only looking at general Michigan statistics and comparing them to his brother's achievements, you would be absolutely correct. However, admissions require much more than GPA's and SAT's. There is nothing spectacular about a 3.85 nor a 1380 super score.</p>

<p>Generally, you would expect somebody of his stats to have participated in more EC's. Additionally, the lack of any passion in exo-academic leadership involvement implies a lack on his part to distinguish himself amongst his peers. There are more reasons to reject him than admit him when given other options in the applicant pool. I still say: Reach. Match if we only consider his GPA and SAT's.</p>

<p>Geez, Michigan is not THAT hard to get into. I got in with that GPA and a 2100 SAT score. Also, my only legit EC was National Honor Society, I think he has a good chance.</p>

<p>Someone on another college's link posted an interesting thread on the roll of ECs in admissions. It was amazing that within about 10 minutes there were already 12 posts or so about people who got in with lesser scores (often times 100 points lower), but excellent ECs (summer programs, captains, class presidents, etc.). They would say how they knew other people with much better scores but worse ECs who were denied. I think it is bc if your scores are lower but you have better ECs, colleges know you worked hard to make up for any intellectual deficiencies. On the other hand, if you are very bright but don't do anything with it, they're going to question how involved you'll be at their school.</p>

<p>so what is his SAT without the super-score? That could change everything. Sometimes the difference is even a couple of hundred points.</p>

<p>i'm sorry but this one of the most boring chances threads i have seen. i dont know why you are on here and your brother isn't. no great ECs, no great leadership, the GPA is good, i would have much more respect for it if he went to private school (i dont know if he does or doesn't, you failed to specify ANYTHING about his schooling). the SATs are average so i would have to say a match if a good school and a reach if mediocre</p>

<p>Decent shot, honestly Michigan is not that difficult to get into...I wish your brother luck.</p>