Shoud I take the ACT again?

<p>I took the ACT and got a 34, and my breakdown is as follows:

<p>So, my math's the only thing that's really bringing me down. The reasons I don't want to take it again are 1) I'm lazy and 2) I was shooting for a 34 and got it so I should be happy. Another possible reason is that I really doubt I'll get a 36, so what's the difference betwee a 34 and 35? Suggestions?</p>

<p>A 34 is definitely an excellent score. The only reason I would suggest taking it again is because your score is quite lopsided. You should definitely consider this option if you intend on majoring in math or a related subject in college. If not, I would be happy with that score.</p>

<p>A 34 is a wonderful score. slipperyeel, what state do you live in?</p>

<p>I'm from the great commonwealth of KY.</p>

<p>If you were applying to one of the high-end tech schools (CalTech, MIT) you might think about it. Otherwise, you're done - start those essays!</p>

<p>Agree with ohio_mom about CalTech and MIT...but otherwise im sure people will be very impressed with your other scores of 35+</p>