Should I apply? (chances, as well as some questions)

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>I originally thought I'd have no chance at MIT, but being that I want to go into computer engineering, it seems silly not to even consider it. Anyway, I'm applying ED to Cornell engineering, but in the event that I don't get in there, I'm planning to apply to Carnegie Mellon (reach), UofRochester (match), Washington Honors (reach for honors, match/safety for regular), Colorado and Syracuse.</p>


<p>SATs: 760m, 730cr, 720w
SAT IIs: 770 US-H, 730 M1C (taking IIC Sat, should be around 770), 660 Physics (retaking...should be around 730 according to practice tests)</p>

Eng. Lang - 4
Comp Sci A - 4
Stat - 5
Calc AB - 5
US-H - 5</p>

<p>Senior APs: Eng. Lit, Calc BC, Physics C, Macroecon</p>

<p>GPA: 3.6 (but straight A's last year w/ 4 APs)
Rank: 24/475 (5%)</p>

<p>OK ECs...3 years varsity golf, US-First robotics club this year (just started up), ski club, been building my own PCs since I was 13 or so, plan to get A+ certified finally this spring/summer)</p>

<p>Anyway, should I even apply? I guess it would be the rare candidate to be rejected from Cornell ED and accepted to MIT RD, but I'm kind of looking for another reach school besides CMU.</p>

<p>Also - how far is the closest ski resort to MIT? Will I even have time to snowboard when I'm there? I like a lot of work...never been very social and spend a lot of free time studying and learning on my own - particularly about computers and related things.</p>


<p>OH, and I'm a white male from the mid-Atlantic :(</p>

<p>As for ski resorts, several are fairly close to the Boston area -- Waterville Valley, NH and Killington, VT are within two hours' drive.</p>

<p>My boyfriend is a competitive freestyle skiier, so he and I spend every weekend during the winter driving to and skiing at all the New England resorts. It's definitely possible to go pretty frequently, but you need to have your own transportation. (Alternately, you could join the snowboarding club or take a skiing/snowboarding PE class -- both options provide transportation.)</p>

<p>oh, that club is still around? their website hasn't been updated for a while. i'm an avid snowboarder; molliebat, what mountains do you two go to?</p>

<p>wait is your name Mollie Bat like easternboarder said it? cuz i always read it as Mollie B. at Mit, or Mollie be at MIT</p>

<p>Mollie B. @ MIT. :)</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a> -- it's a great resource on learning what exactly life is like at MIT... I like it especially be she (consciously or not) addresses both the stress and the fun of being a student at MIT. It's one of the blogs most useful for determining whether or not MIT is for you, in terms of whether or not you'd thrive academically and have fun doing it.</p>

<p>I am, as Timur noted, Mollie B. at MIT. But I do respond to Molliebat, which is mostly what my boyfriend calls me when making fun of me. :)</p>

<p>He skis out of Sunday River in Maine, which is a little under 4 hours away -- his parents come get us Friday nights and we come back Sunday afternoons. It's a long drive, but it's a lot of fun. Last year I went to Sunday River (probably 5 or 6 times), Killington, and Waterville; I didn't go when he competed at Sugarloaf or Sugarbush.</p>

<p>I don't know if everybody's aware, but we don't have class during the month of January -- it's Independent Activities Period (IAP), and people do basically whatever makes them happy for a month. So the first week of this IAP, Adam and I are going to stay in their condo and ski and lounge in the hot tub in the snow at night for the entire first week of January. Ahhhh happiness.</p>

<p>I just checked on the snowboarding club -- they're still listed in the Association of Student Activities database, which should mean they're still active. But when checking them out in the database, I also found this</a> club, which also looks very topical (and has a pretty website!).</p>


<p>Junior in good public school uses block schedule (4x4), rank: 25/900
-GPA UW: 3.6
-GPA W: 4.12
-Under represented Minority Group
-SAT I: Taking Nov 5, let you know when I get it
-SAT II: Chemistry:6 70, World History: 630, taking US History, Physics, Math I, and Math II this year.</p>

-English 9 Honors- A/A
-World Geo/Health- A/A
-Algebra 2 Honors- A/B
-Engineering A- B/A
-Japanese I - A/A
-Intermediate Computer Technology – A/A
-Biology Honors- A/B
-PE 9- A/A</p>

-English 10 Honors- A/A
-AP World History- B+/B+/B/A- (all year long course)
-Pre-Cal Honors- A/B
-Engineering B- B/B
-Weight Training- A/B
-PE 10- A/A
-AP Chemistry- B/A</p>

<p>Junior: (Current)
-AP Physics- A
-Calculus I- D (extremely difficult class taught by an insane professor at local community college….what do I do?)
-AP US History- B
-Building Trades I- A</p>

<p>Classes Yet To Take
-Calculus II (night school next term)
-AP Language (next term)
-Engineering C1 (next term)
-Japanese II (next term)
-Calculus III (next year)
-AP Lit (next year)
-Japanese III (next year)
-Japanese IV Honors (next year)
-AP Government (next year)
-AP Economics (next year)
-AP Music Theory (next year)
-Engineering CII (next year)</p>

-Chemistry (3 on test)
-World History (4 on test)
-Taking Physics, US History, Literature, Language, Government, Economics, Music Theory, Psychology (self study…)</p>

-Engineering and Building Trades Academy (will graduate with S-Block special honors at graduation)
-Math and Engineering Science Academy (MESA)- (11th, 12th)
-California Scholarship Federation- (11th, 12th) (President-11th, hopefully retain it next year).
-Mathletes (11th, 12th)
-Science Olympiad (11th, 12th)
-Keyclub (10th, 11th, 12th)
-National Honors Society (11th, 12th)
-Academic Decathalon (11th, 12th)
-Currently doing research with American Lung Association and Professor Cahill from UC Davis on air quality assessment project.
-Will attend program at NASA, Caltech, or Calpoly this summer.</p>

Now I’m applying to the following schools:
-California Institute of Technology (Early Decision)
-Rice University (Early Action)
-Boston Univeristy
-UC Berkley
-UC Davis
-UC San Diego
-UC Los Angeles
-Cal Poly SLO

<p>Ok…how do I get into these schools??? I really really really want to get into CALTECH…how do I get in?? I also want to get into Rice if not Caltech…
For what schools should I do ED/EA???</p>

<p>Thanks for responses!!!!</p>

i thought i was creating a new thread
i am so sorry for disrupting your thread...</p>

<p>my apologies lol</p>

<p>Well, I'll be the first to note that Caltech has EA, not ED, and that there is a whole forum specifically for Caltech, which houses Ben Golub on the admissions committee (although he visits here frequently).</p>

<p>You are a perfect match for both MIT and CalTech my friend !!! It can be obviously seen from your extracurriculars, all related with science and hard-working. You dont have ridiculous activities like dancing or playing musical instrument. Good job man, hope you to continue this performance at MIT or CalTech.</p>

<p>This is a perfect type of MIT applicant !! All prospective students should see this performance.</p>

<p>Anyone have an opinion on whether I should apply or not? I guess not?</p>