Should I apply early or not/How will this trend look?

<p>Should I apply early, or should I wait until my 1st semester has factored into my GPA? I have a 3.69 right now, which is killing me. I will try my best to get all A's first semester because last year, I wasn't doing to well (due to an out of state move that isn't going well) and I think if I really put myself to it, I can squeeze out all A's. I did it 2nd semester of sophomore year, so I know I'm capable. Also, how will this trend look to colleges?</p>

<p>9th grade: 3.67, 3.7
10th grade: 3.7, 3.95
11th grade: 3.5, 3.67</p>

<p>The school I switched to had a completely different grading scale. If it had been my old grading scale, I would have received a 3.67/3.72. I haven't had the best time in my new state and it took all the will I had to finish homework each day; maybe I can explain this in an essay or something.</p>