<p>I obviously want to apply to UPenn, but I hear they require two years of social studies minimum for freshman applicants. My school only offers history from ninth grade all the way through senior year. Should I still apply?</p>
<p>History is considered social studies. Social studies is just a broad term that also includes courses like economics and government usually.</p>
<p>OOHHH OK! Because I’ve always thought it was the same thing, but when asking for them separately I was like WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? Haha</p>
<p>This is the extent of your decision to apply to UPenn? You are clearly a freshman in high school or something even lower. Get good grades, get off this forum, and come back in a few years.</p>
<p>If you don’t have anything good to say, **** off and I mean it! I will be a senior on August and have wanted to get into UPenn since forever. By the way, I’ve done a hell of a good job to make that happen. Anyway, thanks for your oh-so-helpful advice. It makes me want it even more.</p>
<p>If you’re as old as you say, then you should take Fermat25’s comments with grace and not cuss him out. You may not be a freshman, but behavior like that indicates otherwise. </p>
<p>Fermat25 put it a bit crudely, but don’t let the fact that if you weren’t fulfilling Penn’s “recommended” (here is where I stress the word recommended) high school curriculum, tell you that you won’t get into Penn. </p>
<p>If you truly want to get into Penn, then something as trivial as that shouldn’t get in your way. Raise doubts about your competitiveness? Maybe, if you can be influenced that way. But it shouldn’t affect your conviction to go. </p>
<p>That being said, work hard this year and the next year. I wish you good luck!</p>
<p>I posted this because it’s a requirement, not a recommendation.</p>
<p>I maybe reacted that way because I’ve worked really hard in high school, having to deal with really hard things at the same time, and I couldn’t let somebody talk to me that way withouth even knowing what I’ve been through. Or even knowing me as a person. You could have seen my behavior out of order but Fermat25 dared to write “or even lower”. I’m a mere high schooler and I may still be very inmature, but that, for me, was unacceptable. Period.</p>
<p>Anyway, I thank you for your kind advice with that pinch of motivation. I appreciate it.</p>