Should I apply to Georgetown?

Hi I’m a senior right now… And I’m wrapping up my college applications and wondering if it’s worth it to apply to Georgetown.

I’ve already begun the process and working on my essays, but I want to know if it’s worth it or if I’m just wasting my time and money.

I know my stats are not AS high as I’d like, but I do have many possible and safety schools because I understand that Georgetown is not the easiest school to get admitted to.
Here’s my stats below, do i have a shot?

GPA-4.1 weighted
Unweighted-3.7(Around 3.84 without Freshman year)

I attend a private Jesuit high school in California.

Act- 31
English 28
Math 29
Reading 33
Science 32

SAT 2(I have to report all scores I think, even my bad scores sadly)


Math 2:

Potential Majors- Business/Management/ Psychology

Disabilities- OCD, Tourette’s, Anxiety,depression and a Learning Difference
(These are a big part of my essays and my extra curriculars as well)

History of bullying in my family around my TS and also at school as well. Will talk about my optimism and persistence to advocate for myself in order to create opportunities for myself despite the situation.

Then how I used my own experience to help others, backed up by my EC’s…

Drama(Play)- Lead Role this year, first time ever in theater
Stem Club
Golf(Captain)- 3 Years(will continue this season)
Cross Country- 2 Years

Eye to Eye- A national affiliation, and at our school chapter we go to a middle school and help mentor kids with learning disabilities and we teach them how they can manage it, and we are there for them as a friend and companion.(one time a week for almost 2 hours)

Public Speaking- I have a huge passion for speaking about TS awareness in many venues.

Because of my rough history with acceptance, public speaking started out as an outlet for me to express myself and to also learn how to communicate my needs regarding my TS to others. Speaking helped me open up my true self to others, and is something i take seriously…

Anyways, I’ve spoken to over 400 kids at my own highschool in multiple panels and I spoke about TS to spread awareness but with a bigger message of encouraging them to find help for themselves or their friends if they are ever struggling, especially with mental health.

Spoken to many middle schools about TS with the main motive of spreading awareness to reduce the stigma in those schools and hopefully reduce bullying with the increased awareness…

Trip to D.C. With the TAA(Tourette Association of America)- A leadership conference training speakers to advocate for themselves and others with TS. We spent a few days of training and I presented to the aides of the rep of my region and the senators of CA to ask for more money, research and education of teachers regarding TS.

TEDX Talk on TS- Spoke about how there is always a flip side to adversity, and used my personal story to hopefully inspire others to not be afraid to tackle their own challenges,

Over the Summer-

Will go on a 2 week immersion trip to Tacoma, and we will serve a disability community for adults and will do farm work

This summer i went to a 1 week TS camp in Georgia, and we will also be trained to lead kids and overall leadership skills so we can return as counselors to the camp the following year.

2 week Biotechnology program at Northwestern( I’ve been interested in science, but have started to shift away from it, but decided to do it anyways since I already registered)

Additionally, I’ve been a retreat leader at our school(Jesuit school)

Lastly, I’m also involved in planning a TS awareness walk for this upcoming Spring…

That’s all, I’m honestly really proud of my essays, they really show who I am. Obviously I don’t know how the admissions counselor will think of it, but I’m proud of it.

Do I have a shot? I know my stats and grades are not extremely competitive

Georgetown reviews applications holistically, so no one can answer you with certainty. Your SAT 1’s and GPA seem to be within the average. I don’t think SAT 2’s are weighted as much since those scores aren’t posted publicly and so low ones won’t hurt Georgetown’s average. Better to apply with a chance of admission than to not and receive an immediate rejection.

True, thank you, yeah hopefully SAT 2’s aren’t weighted as much. Those are definitely my weakness…

Also, I’m applying to SFS, does that make it even more difficult? or are all the schools essentially the same

@Mchichioco as far as I know, all schools have about the same rate of admission. Your experience with Tourette’s and other unique differences will definitely catch the adcom’s eyes and it sounds like you’ve been very involved with helping students cope with TS. That’s good because Georgetown loves students with a passion. Best of luck!

You’ll always wonder if you don’t apply. If the financial expense isn’t overbearing, I’d say go for it.

Thanks, yeah I went for it, I guess we’ll just see what happens

What schools can best accommodate you so you can have a great college experience?