<p>Previous to my junior year, I had NHS worthy grades and was in the top 1/4 of my class. Now, I think I'm about 90-something out of about 300. I have taken pretty much honors and one AP class, and I was an officer of chorus, or drama, and was in art club, took painting lessons outside of school, a select choral group of 12 in school, a select choral group of 200 outside of school, and in newspaper club. The reason my class ranked dropped so low was because of a struggle with PTSD, due to sexual abuse from my father. My SAT scores were low based on the one time I took them (640 reading, 480 math, 500-something on the writing), but apparently a lot of people who took them twice did poorly on those and I got 3 hours of sleep the night before, and I plan to take them again. Based on this, I have a shot of getting in, I think, but not a high one. </p>
<p>I am fine with waiting a year and transferring, but should I try applying there, anyway? Will re-applying to a college affect whether they accept you or not, and will it have a postive or negative effect?</p>