Should I apply Undecided within CAS?


<p>I'm having the dilemma on whether I should apply to CAS undecided or not. I am equally interested in Psychology and Biological Sciences and can't decide between the two. I do know that I would like to go to medical school.</p>

<p>I have heard from some of my friends who are at Cornell now that there are many applicants who apply Undecided and that it would be to my advantage to apply to a specific major, but I am not sure whether this would be better or not.</p>

<p>If you could please give me some suggestions, it would be much appreciated!</p>


<p>i applied undecided at Umich, it worked <<but then is umich</p>

<p>There should be no disadvantage to applying undecided to Cornell CAS or almost any liberal arts college for that matter. They understand that part of the goal of a liberal arts education is to broaden your academic perspective and that you will be exposed to lots of subjects you have never taken before. Cornell CAS does not accept student based on their major preference--it isn't like they have quotas for each major. That being said, it also doesn't hurt to list a major if you have a preference at this point. It is not binding in any way.</p>

<p>Alright, thanks for both your comments!</p>