should I apply with these stats? (rd)

<p>I'm not sure if I would be competitive for U Penn with my stats, but my guidance counselor says I should apply just to see. I've been to the campus and think it's great... but applications are expensive and I don't want to apply if I don't have a chance at all. :P What do you think?</p>

<p>My stats:
GPA: 3.89 (I think this will go up - my math grades have improved this term)
SAT: 2190 (760 CR, 660 M, 770 W)
ACT: 32
Rank: Top 2% at public school...not incredibly competitive
- French 690
- U.S. History 650
I'm also taking Literature in December, which I think I'll do well on.
AP Tests:
World History - 5
U.S History - 4
French Language - 4
Calculus AB - 4
Calculus BC - 3</p>

<li>Newspaper reporter 3 years, editor 2 years</li>
<li>National Honor Society, Animal Shelter committee head</li>
<li>Academic Team</li>
<li>Mentoring at-risk kids, volunteering at youth basketball league</li>
<li>I've also won some awards at regional art shows...I don't know if that will even be looked at.</li>
<li>Commended by National Merit Scholarship</li>

<p>I'm a pretty good writer so I hope that my essays will be eye-catching, there's really no way of telling what the admissions committee will like. I know at least one of my teacher recs will be amazing - my French teacher loved me - and I think that my guidance counselor one will be good, too.</p>

<p>I'm female, biracial (black and white).</p>

<p>Thanks for looking!</p>

<p>i dont see why not :stuck_out_tongue: especially if you have great writing ability… its worth a shot</p>

<p>ur sats scores are better than mine…n i still applied
but then im asian n well u should put down black then ur pretty much in (not to be offensive or nething)</p>

<p>Great chances.
Only problems I see are SAT II’s are a tad low, and UPenn has major emphasis on Math, so up your math SAT I score and APPLY!</p>

<p>I got into SAS with lower SAT’s and GPA. You would definitely be competitive</p>